Chapter 10

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I came out of my room and walked down the stairs and found Mia lounging on the couch flicking through channels before she cranes her head to look at me. Liam stood up and began walking to me but he froze when he saw me. Mia squealed in glee. I smiled shyly. He looked amazing. He was in a black tieless suit with the top three buttons undone, his hair was tousled but neat, he looked fresh, he looked freaking gorgeous.
"Hi." I said as I nervously giggled.
"Hey." Liam said after clearing his throat. I was reminded of the day we left for Miami where my top had revealed my bra and I smiled. "Wow, I'm speechless, you're stunning." Liam said as he approached me, but just before he could get to me the doorbell rang.
"Oh! Just in time! Derek is here!" Mia said and she ran to open the door.
"Hey baby!" She exclaimed and then squealed when he picked her up and kissed her. I smiled and so did Liam. I could see he was happy for his friend and that was more proof that he had a good heart, not many people are happy to see their best friend so in love as they fear rejection from their friend, but Liam didn't.
"Wow Kat! You look amazing!" Derek said as he wrapped his arm around Mia's shoulders.
"Hey!" Liam exclaimed. And Derek laughed and pointed at him.
"My man you're lucky. Be good tonight kids." Derek said and Liam looked at me, took my hand and smiled at me as he looked me up and down.
"No promises." He whispered to me as he looked at my lips. I smiled at him. "We will. And trust me I know how lucky I am." He said to Derek and both Mia and Derek smiled brightly at us.
"Bye guys enjoy!" Mia exclaimed as we left.
We made our way to the car hand in hand, his big hand covering my small one, just like in a fairytale. I laughed to myself and he looked at me with a smile.
"What you laughing at?" He asked as we made our way to the car.
"No nothing." I said a smile tugging at my lips. He stopped us in our tracks.
"Nothing?" He asked getting closer to me.
"I mean yes." He was making me nervous and I couldn't focus. He pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and tilted my head up to his face.
"Well which is it?" His face wasn't even inches away from mine. He expects me to think straight like this?!
"Liam!" I scolded as I tried to break away, but he pulled me back into him, cupped my cheeks in both his hands and kissed me lightly.
"I'm so lucky." He whispered. When we broke away. I could feel him getting excited and I smiled, but broke away. We couldn't go in public with him and a plus one down under.
"I have no idea how you get me to turned on so fast, it's distracting." He said and I laughed and kissed his cheek, leaving a read mark on his cheek.
"Well you look very distracting today." I said and he looked pleased at my response, like a puppy who got rewarded with a big cuddle from their owner.
"Really?" He asked and I laughed.
"Oh yeah."
"Good, lets go, we have a reservation Miss John." He said and I smiled.
"We do?"
"Of course." He said and I smiled as he opened my door for me and closed it. I looked out the window and smiled as I bit my lip. The trees passed as we drove by, we spoke about little things, joked a lot and laughed a lot.
"You really do look beautiful, Kat." He said when we stopped and I smiled at him and thanks him. He opened the door for me and helped me out.
"Liam!" I exclaimed when I saw we were at my favorite restaurant.
"This is your favorite right?" He asked nervously.
"Yes oh my god! How did you know?" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around him.
"I asked your dad." He said. "After I asked for permission." I smiled at him and let of a laugh of amazement.
"You asked my dad?" I asked and he nodded.
"I wanted him to know that you mean a lot to me, and that I respect both you and him, I only have the purest of intentions with you." He said and it felt like my heart was going to burst with happiness. I couldn't help it, I kissed him deeply.
"Liam, thank you so much." I said and I smiled.
"It's a pleasure, now let's go inside, I have a surprise."
"More!?" I asked and he chuckled.
"I have to spoil my girl, if I want to convince her to be my girl." He said and my heart did explode from happiness.
"Oh you're a charm Liam." I said and he smiled kissing my forehead.
We entered the restaurant, the place lit lightly, waiters and waitresses dressed in formal waiting wear.
"Liam Carnes, special booking." He said to the lady at the podium. She smiled a warm smile at him and at me, leading us to our place, past all the people and into a private room, no longer lit by artificial lights with lightbulbs but rather with candles. I gasped when I saw the table covered in rose petals, the candles illuminating them, making them glow. There was a single rose at one end of the table, Champagne in a delicate bucket filled with ice and two wine glasses and two champagne glasses and two regular glasses for water. I looked at Liam who was looking at me nervously, as if trying to see if I'd like it. Is he mad! I love it.
"Liam..." I whispered short of breath. "You did this for me?"
"Well I told Derek and all these wonderfully helpful waitrons what I had in mind and they made it ten times better than I you like it?" He asked as he tucked me into the table. And sat on the other end of the table. I took his hand in mine and looked him in the eyes.
"Nobody has ever done this for me...I appreciate it so much, Liam, thank you so much, you have really made me feel amazing." I said with all honesty. I was lost for words and my words seemed lame for the amount that I felt.

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