Chapter 26

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Mia and Derek's wedding was approaching in a near 2 months, Aria was already 3 months old and Jason, Jace for short, was already 4 months old. Aria has been an absolute pleasure of a child and I am truly grateful that we had her, she is now currently with her dad as I am with Mia for a girls day to shop for things for the wedding.
"How is everything going by the way?" She asked and I smiled as we flicked through dresses for the bridesmaids.
"It's been great, I thought it would be harder having a baby at such a tender age but Liam has been a great help with everything and so have my parents, you know?" I said and she smiled widely at me.
"I get you." She agreed. "Jace is the exactly image of his mom but I can already tell he's going to be naughty like his dad." She said and we laughed.
"Well I think you will deal with it perfectly, just like you always do." I said and she smiled and blushed at my compliment.
"Oh! This one is beautiful!" She said pointing to a exquisite red dress. I smiled and nodded, I completely agree with that. I didn't know the other two bridesmaids, or if there were any others but I knew that her wedding is going to be flashy and stylish and absolutely amazing. I couldn't wait. "Go try it on, I'll be waiting here." She said as she looked for other options in case this dress didn't look nice, but I know Mia, once she found something she likes, she likes it and she won't go back on it. Her decisiveness is what I really loved about her.
I tried on the dress and it really looked stunning, showing off my teenage body nicely, cupping my boobs and pushing them up, it was sexy and sleek, perfect for the look Mia was going for. I came out to show her and she put all the other dress ideas back, just like i thought she would.
"Yes!" She exclaimed and I smiled showing off the dress as I spun around in circles. The dress reached the floor. It was beautiful, and I'm glad that Mia likes it.
"I'll buy this, will the other bridesmaids be wearing the same dress or will theirs be different?" I asked and she pulled a 'thinking' face.
"Um I think they can wear something a little more conservative." She said and I nodded.
"Well whatever you choose I'll pay for them and mine." I said and she smiled shyly at me.
"You don't have to." She said and I smiled and hugged her.
"This is a massive day for you! I really want to." I said and she smiled and hugged me tighter.
"I'm so grateful to you Kat." She said and I smiled, I'm so grateful to her too. Truth is her parents both died when she was a child and her foster parents passed away just last year, so there was nobody to pay for the whole big wedding, so I spoke to my dad and he said he was more than happy to give her the best wedding ever, and I think she was truly grateful for that.

We went shopping for a bit longer and found the perfect dress for the other two bridesmaids.  From what Mia tells me they sound really nice and I was excited to meet them. We decided that we would stop for some sushi before we went looking for the shoes and flower arrangements, and suddenly I had a sudden feeling of deja vu back to the first date with Liam when she helped me find the perfect outfit. That night was also the first time we had sex, I had a sudden feeling of butterflies just thinking about that time. Ever since my rape we haven't had sex...but I think it's time, I mean it's not his fault that that happened to me...he actually helped me.
It's been a year since we have had sex and he has never even suggested that we do it until I was ready, instead he would excuse himself to the bathroom when he had to, he was always around me so I knew he didn't cheat, that thought would never even cross my mind any way, I knew he wouldn't do that to me. So I think tonight's the night.

After hours of shopping we couldn't find the perfect flower arrangement and Mia was getting antsy and she started to feel guilty about being 'indecisive' but I knew that this was a big deal, and if there were no flower arrangements here that she liked then we will search other places until we find the ones that make her happy, but unfortunately it was 5:00 and most stores were already closed, therefore we had to head our separate ways. Luckily for now that wasn't too far, because Liam and I now lived in Miami too, while I studied law. He watched over Aria in that time, while doing online courses for business, but I knew that didn't make him happy, he was happy as a bodyguard, he needed the action, so next year he is going to be a detective, that way he can kick ass and get paid.

I got home and snuck upstairs to see aria sleeping peacefully on my bed. I smiled and gave her a kiss on the head. She let out a little snore and I giggled. She's so cute. Liam was sleeping next to her and she was clutching his finger tightly. She's already a daddy's little girl. I smiled at that thought, but went into the bathroom to freshen up. After my shower I got a box from Liam's old room, in that box was my black lingerie and stiletto heels. I curled my hair and put on my red lipstick. I looked in the bathroom mirror took a deep breath in and smiled. I'm ready.

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