Chapter 24

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"Oh my god our babies are going to be best friends!" She exclaimed.
"Yes! It is also very evident to me that our boyfriends so called 'pull out game' is very weak." I said and we all shared a laugh.
"You love it though." Liam said as he kissed me.
"I do." I said smiling up at him and he smiled back down at me his hand on my back.
We all made our way down to the docks where Liam and I set out a table, with electric lanterns (the last thing we need right now is for a fire to start) and some fairy lights on the dock rails. It was stunning if I do say so myself. There was wine on the table and some water, i chose not to be drinking during the pregnancy since I'm so new at this pregnancy I'm so scared to hurt the baby or indirectly turn it into an alcoholic, which by the way was a legitimate fear of mine...turns out Mia felt the same way I did...the boys on the other hand, did not.

The dinner went by with laughter and happiness filling the air, Mia was 8 months pregnant and due to her inpatient personality she went to go see what gender it was, it was a little boy, Derek did not know this though, he wanted it to be a surprise, and Mia respected that. I was happy to finally see my only friend again, and I was even happier to see that she was very happy, just like me.
"Um, we have an announcement to make." Derek said as he held Mia's hand in his. He looked nervous but he calmed down almost instantly when he looked at Mia, who was giving him a loving smile. I smiled at the two of them as Liam pulled me closer to him, kissing my forehead. We were looking at Derek, waiting for the big news. "So, Liam has been my best friend since the asshole came to Canada 7 years ago-" he began but Liam cut him off.
"It was 6 years ago..." he said and Derek rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. Anyway it was SIX years ago that I met him, and he kind of saved my social life, which at the age of 19 was very important to me, he was only 14 though, kind of skinny and serious at the time, it's like the kid had the world on his shoulders, but he was carrying the world just fine. As the years went by he joined the seals at a tender age of 16, making me worry sick about him, I only saw him 2 years later and for a full year we went partying non-stop...until I had to say goodbye to him again." He said and Liam looked down at his hands, looking guilty, so I held his hand. "Feeling terribly sorry for myself I went to go to our favorite bar, where I drowned myself in beer...until a beautiful girl with blonde hair walked up to me and took the glass from my hand, she told me I had already had 4 too many. She sat down with me and listened to my sob story, I told her all about this guy Liam that left me...leaving out the part that he was my best friend, anyway she looked kind of awkward and said 'oh! You're gay?' I knew at that very moment that I would be in love with this girl for the rest of my life. I don't know why that statement made me head over heels for her, but I guess it showed her innocence and it showed me that she didn't see in black and white but rather in color. 2 years later I  reunited with my best friend, and his stunning girlfriend, who I can tell he loves very much, to tell them I'm going to be marrying the woman of my dreams in February next year." He announced and I squealed loudly and jumped up and down. Liam got up and tackled his best friend to the floor with excitement. I gave Mia a massive hug and congratulated her, wanting to see the ring, which was absolutely stunning, and definitely suited Mia. It was a rose gold ring with a pinkish diamond on it. How did I not see this?!
"Will you be my bridesmaid of honor?" She asked as tears filled her eyes. I nodded excitedly and hugged her tight. It was now August and she was due to have her baby at the end of this month, so she wanted to be able to fit into a "hot" dress and all that. I am due on the first week of October so I could also be out of my mom suit by then.

Mia and Derek decided to leave at around 12:00 and Liam and I made our way to our room. "So the maid of honor huh?" He asked with a smirk on his face as I undressed myself in the bathroom, the door slightly open but I knew he wasn't looking. Truth be told I do feel a lot better after the rape, but I still feel ashamed so I don't want Liam to see me just yet.
"Haha, yeah I'm excited about it, my only worry is who is going to look after the baby." I said as I walked out of the bathroom into the room to find Liam in his boxers ready for bed. I blushed slightly, like I always do when I see him half naked.
"Hey don't worry about it, your parents will happily look after her...if not my mom is another option." He offered. I know it sounds so stupid but I forgot that he had parents, only because he never talks about them. I climbed in bed and cuddled up to him.
"Why don't you tell me about your parents?" I asked and he looked down at me.
"You want to hear about them?" He asked. I smiled and nodded as I rested my head on his chest, drawing circles on his chest slowly.
"Okay dad died when I was 16, that's why I joined the seals, because he was a seal and I wanted to be just like him, he was, is, my biggest role model. My mom has been my biggest supporter, she told me I must do what I must do when I told her I was going to the navy. I could see she was scared, but she was amazing about it. I don't have siblings or any cousins that I am close to." He said and I listened carefully. I admired his mom and dad. But I think I would really like his mom, she was really brave for letting her son leave her all alone after her husband died. I suddenly felt really guilty for not being there at that stage of his life.
"I'm sorry about your dad." I said and he kissed my head.
"It's not your fault, it was a heart attack, nobody could do anything about it." He explained and I hugged him tightly. I felt the baby hiccup in my belly and I laughed. Liam looked at me and knitted his eyebrows together with a smile on his face.
"The baby has hiccups." I said and he laughed.
"Can I feel?" He asked and I nodded, but he didn't lift up my shirt, but rather placed his hand over my shirt to get the feeling and when he did his smile increased as did mine. "I can't wait to meet you my princess." He said and I smiled widely.
He was going to be a great father.

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