Chapter 37

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So the months passed by just as fast as I thought they would and my wedding was in one more day! I was really excited, Liam and I were doing a traditional wedding, in Hawaii, with our close friends and family, which added up to about 40 people. I had everything sorted out, Aria was really excited about being the flower girl, and her little dress was so damn cute I could have died when I saw her, I had to hide the dress from her so she wouldn't show Liam the dress, such a daddy's little girl. I smiled at the thought.
"Okay we have to go!" Mia shouted and I laughed. Liam was holding me tightly and smiling down at me.
"Tomorrow I won't let you go." He promised and I smiled.
"Please don't." I replied and he smiled, kissing me passionately.
"Oh my word! You guys! The wedding is in 24 and a half hours! If you don't get your ass' away from each other in two seconds then you'll have eternal bad luck!" She said dramatically and Liam and I laughed. "Okay technically in 29 minutes but hurry up!" Mia said before grabbing my arm and forcing me to leave Liam, I laughed and winked at him.
"See you at the aisle." I said and he smiled.
"Not if I see you first." He said and I laughed and let Mia drag me away.

Mia, me and Aria were all at the spa for a massage and to get our nails done. Aria decided she wanted gold sparkly nails to go with her gold and white flower girl dress. Mia got a light blue color on her nails with two fingers in white. My nails were light pink, almost Champaign because I didn't want to have too much white.
My mom and dad came to join us for some lunch, which really made Aria happy.
"How's my little princess?" My dad asked as he spun her around in his arms.
"I'm good." She replied. My parents adored her and she adored them...but her absolute favorite was uncle Mark, he spent the most time with her, he bought her lots of little gifts and spoilt her rotten, but most of all he would call every night and they would talk for hours, which really made me happy, because Mark was a big part of my life.
"Hi my baby, how are you feeling? Are you good?" My mom asked me as she hugged me. I smiled at her.
"I am so excited mom, he makes me so happy." I said and she smiled at me. "And dad, I want to thank you, for giving him that job, he really enjoys it." I said and my dad smiled and nodded at me.
"He has been doing an excellent job. Him and his team." He said and I smiled. Liam found a team of exactly what he wanted. There was one girl or woman on the team, she was absolutely stunning and had a thing for Liam, which irritated me, but he keeps putting her off, he even brought me to work three times and displayed extreme cases of PDA, so I knew he was not interested at all, which made it a whole lot better. There were four guys and two of them was really good looking, Matt and obviously Liam. Matt was Liam's partner and they have gotten pretty close lately, Matt likes sticking to the code and the book, Liam on the hand...does not.
We all sat and ate pasta while we spoke light conversation. It was a really nice afternoon and I couldn't wait until tomorrow afternoon where I get married to the man I love, on a cliff at sunset, my second favorite time of day.
The afternoon turned into the evening and my mom and dad said goodbye to us as we made our way to the hotel to get some sleep before the big day tomorrow.
And I slept very well.

"Are you ready?" Mia asked. We had finished with my makeup and hair, my dress was on and so were my shoes. I felt beautiful, Mia and Aria looked stunning.
"I have never been more ready." I said honesty and she smiled at me.
"Then lets do this." She said and took my hand in hers, Aria took my other hand and we all walked together. We walked about 2 miles until we got to where we needed to be, then Aria walked in front of me, throwing petals in front of her, Mia was behind me, my dad was walking next to me and my mom was tearing up in the front row. I didn't want to look at Liam, because I knew that if I did...I'd cry.
"Katherine, I want you to know, that even though you'll be under the care of this man for as long as you are happy with him, I will always be here for you, you will always be my little girl and I will never stop loving you. I am so proud of the person I have raised." My dad said as we walked down the aisle, I was starting to get emotional, his words meant so much to me, I had almost forgotten how loved I was by my family. "And you are marrying one hell of a man." He said, he was choking on his words as he began to cry a little bit.
"I love you daddy." I whispered to my dad, holding back my tears. At that moment I looked up at Liam, who had let a few tears escape his eyes, who's hand was covering his mouth in awe of me. I knew I had made the right choice. I smiled up at him as he took my hands into his shaky ones.
"You look stunning. More than stunning, you're taking my breath away." He said and I laughed lightly, because I could see I was taking his breath away.
"You look ho-I mean you look amazing." I said, mimicking his reaction when he saw me on our first date. He let out a chuckle and kissed my hand.
"I love you." He whispered as the priest began to say his words.
"I love you too." I whispered back.
"I do." He said once the priest had spoken. I smiled at him as his eyes shined with pride and happiness.
"I do." I said to the priest, a silver ring was placed on both of our fingers. My ring had the words 'forever my girl' engraved on it, making me smile and tear up. His ring had 'forever and always, my love' engraved on it, to which he smiled widely at me.
"You may kiss the bride." The priest announced and Liam took off my veil slowly and carefully.
"I'm going to savor every single moment I have with you, so I'm going to take this in, as the sun hits your face and your eyes sparkle at me." He said and I smiled.
"You're everything I need. You're everything I want. I'm never letting you go." He whispered before claiming my lips as his.

I am his. He is mine. Forever.


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