Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of passionfruit and black current, my favourite. I turned around and saw a cup of my favourite herbal tea next to my bed, a note attached to it.
I went for a jog, don't be worried if you don't see me.
Will you join me for dinner this evening? On me.
I smiled at the note, feeling like a little girl receiving her first note from her crush. Admittedly I don't know if I like him yet, I just know for sure that I care about him and that he makes me, which is ironic seeing as he was here to keep me safe, which generally means trapped.
P.S. if you do not want to I get that, but understand that I will not take back the request.
The rest of the note read. Making me smile, and even giggle as I took my tea to the balcony and watched the waves crash against the shore, beyond the branches of the bright green trees. The sky was beautifully orange as the sun made its way above the ocean, the air was already warm, birds chirping happily to one another. A beautiful bird with bright blue, green and yellow wings flew by me, singing her love song with no regret. I smiled and took out my sketch pad and started drawing the bird I just saw, the image of her flying bravely with her wings spread out as wide as they could, which is not very wide considering she's small.

My hand danced over the almost completed drawing of the bird. It had been an hour since I woke up and Liam still wasn't back yet, I started to feel a bit worried. I mean I know it's relatively safe here and that he's the bodyguard but I also worry about him being out on his own-
"Hey, what are you drawing?" I heard him ask behind me, I jumped out of my skin from fright. Turning around and clutching my chest I looked at him and smiled when I saw a worried look on his face.
"I have asthma, and getting frights makes it worse, please go get my pump." I saw him get nervous for a bit before I burst out laughing and he finally realized I was talking rubbish. He made his way close to me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, making me squeal with surprise and joy. He put me down on the couch and I smiled softly as I looked up at him, his brown eyes, turning darker as they sparkled at me. Wow.
"Did you get my note?" He asked nervously as he hovered over me. I pursed my lips and looked up at he ceiling as though I was thinking. But i couldn't hold back my smile anymore.
"I did yes, you stated that you went for a run, but I see you are safely back home now." I said and he rolled his eyes but smiled.
"And the other part?" He asked, I stood up and walked to the kitchen, my big shirt that I use as pajamas had ridden up a bit and showed my a bit of my bum.
"Want some breakfast? " I asked as I felt his eyes on my bum. I knew he was trying not to, but he was failing, and I knew for certain when I turned around and his eyes were going from my bum to the "back" of my head, which now is  my face. He turned pink at the cheeks and neck. I smiled, it's so cute how he blushes.
"Uh yeah breakfast sounds amazing thanks, I just need to take a shower, I'm sure you don't want me to smell like this through breakfast." He said tugging at his shirt and I shook my head with wide eyes and I laughed.
"No thank you I am good, go have your shower, I'll start when you're out." I said and he frowned.
"I'll be done by the time you're done." He said and I laughed.
"Yeah?" I asked with my hand on my hip and my eyebrow raised.
"Yes." He said crossing his arms and smirking at me.
"I think you should ask what's for breakfast first..." I said and he shook his head.
"I'll still be done by then." He said determination clear on his face, I knew he'd be out of the shower quickly now, but only because I told him he wouldn't and he wants to prove me wrong.
"Alright I'm making bacon and egg." I said and he smiled walking away to go have a shower, but I could hear him run up the stairs into his room.

He did finish before I had the breakfast ready and came down dripping wet, hair messy and body shirtless. Oh wow okay. I cleared my throat looking away from him and I dished up our breakfast, and we made our way into the tv lounge to watch sponge bob while eating.
"So i was wondering..." he started, fiddling with his food, I looked at him, curiosity occupying my mind.
"Yeah? What's up?" I asked setting my food down so I could concentrate on him completely.
"My friend just called and asked if we would like to go to this party of his on the beach tonight..." He said nervously, I thought we were having dinner tonight? "I know we having dinner, so I was thinking I could book us in a proper place so we can dress up and everything, and if you'd like to do that then I am more than happy to say no." He said focusing on me completely, almost as if he doesn't want me to feel obliged to say yes. I smiled widely at him, but I felt myself blush.
"I'd love to, but..." I said turning my head away from him l while I gave a nervous laugh. He touched my face to turn it towards him.
"But?" He whispered.
"I'd just love to." I said, trying to take away my but, because I was embarrassed to tell him that I have never been to a party before.

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