Soulmate!Seventeen - Dino: Loose Tie

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* theoretically, your soul bond is one of the five easiest to follow in the world

* those five being, in order:

- your soulmate is connected to you telepathically
- you and your soulmate swap bodies
- whatever your soulmate writes on their skin shows up on yours
- you have a compass that points to your soulmate
- and the one you have, a red string that connects your pinkies no matter how far apart you are

* lucky you!!!

* however, the knot gets tighter the closer you are physically to your soulmate, and yours is very very loose

* it's very depressing actually and you're not even sure if you'll ever meet your soulmate because of how far away you are

* also you were kinda iffy on soulmates as a whole?

* what about aro/ace people? what about criminals?

* which of course led to you not really wanting to even meet your soulmate

* so you stayed where you were

* happily ignoring the loose red knot on your right pinkie

* Chan, on the other hand

* he viewed soulmate bonds with nothing less than starry-eyed idealism

* seven of the members had already found their soulmates

* and they were so happy and their soulmates were so nice and sweet

* and also didn't treat him like a baby

* his hectic schedule wouldn't let him chase you down but he's confident you'll find each other eventually

* even though you're, you know, on the other side of the world

* one day you were watching YouTube videos with your friend and you came across an interesting-looking one

* "Crazy In Love dance practice?" you murmured, clicking on the video

* you were faced with a multitude of attractive boys dancing and singing in Korean

* singing and dancing very well you might add

* and just like that you were hooked

* it was several weeks before you noticed something on the left pinkie finger of one of the members

* an ever so faint red glow looped around his finger

* you glanced down at your own pinkie finger and your string tingled slightly

* whoopsa

* you just might have found your soulmate

* across the ocean Chan's string tingled against his finger

* remembering all the research on soulmate theory he'd done on his own and with the others he started screaming and jumping around for joy

* "my soulmate knows who I am!!!!!"

* "that means she'll probably come to find me!!!!!!"

* Jeonghan had to remind him to breathe

* but Seventeen was your first group and you had no practice identifying members so you actually didn't know which one he was hahaha

* you turned to the Internet, posting your favourite picture of him and asking for help — "who is he?"

* you got a multitude of answers

* "that's Dino!" "Lee Chan" "the maknae, Chan" "Jeonghan's baby" "he's a little piece of trash" "you can call him the Korean Michael Jackson or Jeonghan's baby or actual five-year-old child"

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