Seventeen Fantasy AU: Joshua

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- when you saw the shape falling from the sky, you were definitely not expecting it to make such a loud noise as it crashed

- and as you clamber over the lip of the crater it had created ten minutes later

- you were definitely not expecting the thing that had fallen to be a crumpled boy with huge wings — one white, one black

- you skid down the side of the crater and roll the boy onto his back, checking him for injuries

- but he's surprisingly unhurt, looking perfect besides his limp body and crumpled wings

- and he's beautiful

- not in a fierce way, but with soft, lovely features

- he coughs and cracks his eyes open

- and in an instant, he's on his feet, massive wings dragging on the ground

- "who are you?" he demands in a musical voice. "Where am I?"

- you raise your hands to try and calm him, but his eyes narrow and focus on yours as if expecting an attack

- "my name is y/n," you say clearly, holding his gaze

- the boy's wings twitch weakly, and he groans in pain

- "are your wings hurt?" you ask, standing up

- he turns away, his hand going to his shoulder

- "none of your business, human!" he says harshly

- but a few seconds later he crumples to his knees, letting out a soft cry of distress

- "what's wrong?" you demand, edging closer despite his threatening words

- he hangs his head

- "I must have broken something. Human — is there a safe place nearby where I can heal?"

- you hesitate, and he sighs, his head dropping even further

- "please."

- "who are you?" you ask. "What are you?"

- "you may call me Joshua," he replies. "I am an angel, and a demon hunter."

- half an hour later, you're settling Joshua facedown in your bed

- "you smell nice, human," he says conversationally. "I was not informed that humans have such a pleasing scent."

- you flush dark red

- "normally that's not the sort of thing people comment on, Joshua," you say, doing your best to avoid stammering

- he turns his head, curious cat eyes looking up at you, dark brown rimmed with fiery gold

- "no?"

- "no," you reply firmly. "Besides, I have a name."

- he hums in interest, looking away again

- "I fear that my wings won't heal properly unless they're groomed," he announces a few awkward seconds later. "Hu— y/n, will you assist me?"

- "I don't know how," you deflect, your blush returning in full force

- "it's quite simple," Joshua assures you, ruffling the feathers slightly

- and a few minutes later your hands are buried wrist-deep in black and white feathers

- "why are your wings different colours?" you ask curiously

- "the black feathers are a sign that I completed the training necessary to combat demons," Joshua replies, his voice muffled and filled with innocent pleasure

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