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"Not again.",muttered the police officer disgusted as he went through the post mortem reports of the victim. This was perhaps the fifth person in the town of Kuchhpur who had died with the mark of wolf's bite...not that it was the only reason for such attention and mass wonderment. The fact however lied differently. A wolf definitely couldn't
inject chemicals in your body.
"Sir..I am sure the criminal is keeping wolves as pets..this is a way of misguiding us..",the constable consoled walking faster to reach his master's pace.
"What!Dammit. Shut up!",His boss yelled angrily."Its an endangered species of wolves definitely not found here."
This was true as in Kuchhpur there was no vast jungle but only snow clad peaks for the adventure loving tourists.
"Can't we search?",the constable mumbled.
"I don't consider my life that unworthy or unwanted for me to risk it just because of finding a man eater carnivorous creature." The officer said in mock sarcasm.
The constable fell shut when his boss added with a mirthful grin,"The dead man's family is howling too much...tell his wife to come to me at night if she needs company. Eh?"
They both jeered at the joke. "Well India is already immensely populated. It won't loose anything much just by these petty deaths of some uneducated fellows."
"Yes sir.",the constable replied quickly relieved that they could spare some work so easily,"In anyway someday everyone has to die. Better be it before"
"Sir he is back again!",the security guard rushed in with the bitter news again.
The officer glared at him. This was going too far everyday.
"What for are you waiting?? Do I need to write it for you now that whenever you see that idiot just drive him out.",
Shortly,he left....

"Sir,don't you remember me..I'm Yash.",the young fellow cried trying to free himself from the vice-like grip of the guard. He was extremely tall more than six feet,muscular and had a perfect jawline. His eyes had the colour of hazelnut and his jet black hair was combed back severly. Clad in a Offwhite tshirt and denim jacket with Trousers he looked extremely handsome. Probably he was in his early twenties.The Constable yelled at him angrily,"Hey don't you get tired ever! Get out!"
" Sir I will do whatever task you give me. See..",Yash continued unzipping his bag as he took out a gold medal."Yesterday I won this for the athletic competition for running. So this means I am fast enough to catch those criminals...These are my certificates...qualifications just see for once.",Yash begged handing some laminated sheets which had his name printed on those.
"Desperate aren't you?",now the officer neared towards him."But you are not even ready to offer us anything to get the job...
"Sir I want this job. Please Sir...its my biggest dream from childhood
We are poor..l...want to be in the police..
The officer simply put his finger on his own lips as started at Yash indication to stop talking."I didn't finish myself,Yash.",he whispered in an icy cold yet smooth voice.
Yash for a moment wanted to knock down the two filthy people standing infront of him..they could give jobs to all those unqualified sons of those rich fathers so damn easily...but not him. Here nothing worked but corruption.He fought his emotions hard praying to the Allmighty to gift him the strength to bear more and ultimately convince them. He knew what was coming another rejection.
"I have decided to give you this job.",the officer said with a broad grin."You don't need to pay us and anything."
Yash couldn't believe his ears. He was judging the man so wrong...he was so kind enough to give him this job.
"But Sir.....",the constable protested gasping in horror.
The officer ignored the protest and smiled again at Yash who was unable to comprehend anything.
"Thank you. I ...I just don't know what to say...",Yash stammered his voice choked with the tears of joy.
"You are missing something young man.",He said with a crooked smile." You need to give me something in return other than money"
What was he going to ask from him? Yash felt puzzled. Was this a cruel joke going to be played on him?
"Come with me",The officer said dragging Yash inside the police station by his hand.

 Was this a cruel joke going to be played on him?"Come with me",The officer said dragging Yash inside the police station by his hand

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