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From Yash's Point of View-
"Did he wake up?",I asked Ranvijay Sir coming out of the hotel washroom with Aashka who bandaged my arm properly.
We could not risk examining my wound by a doctor when already there was such a privacy leak. Thank God ,they did not know about hybrids and other scientific stuff. My wildcat,offered me some blessed pain killers which has made the region numb. As she suspected Vinod,we were waiting for him to regain his consciousness . The villagers were simply not bothered about him and detested him. All of them had left discussing about the wolves.

"He's in a semi-conscious state.",replied Ranvijay Sir grimly."He's blabbering some kind of personal things about his life,son.etc."

"Whatever he was blabbering ,",Aashka asked."anything related to the wolves?"
"No. I tried listening actually,all he murmured was about his son's exploitations.",said Lisa. "How is your hand ,Yash?",she enquired looking at the bandage.

"Good,Thank you.",I said smiling.

"I would like to meet Vinod.",Aashka said."I saw him muttering something towards the direction of the wolves. The way those creatures ran pushing everyone out of their way,I find that weird and very sudden. I believe Vinod has something to do with it."
"Is he fit enough for that?",Ranvijay Sir asked."The person who cannot control himself and is a lunatic..will control wolfdogs?"

"He's acting and feigning faint .",added Aditi entering joining us now.
"Well,guys, if you will allow me to say something then I want to know what happened when Ranvijay Sir went and talked to those priests.",I interrupted.

"When I entered the temple I was greeted by that priest who wore that  Omega Starmus,however the only difference was he was not wearing it any longer.",said Ranvijay Sir.

"They got cautious.",replied Aashka

"Yes. It can be so.",He nodded."I introduced myself as an Archeologist eager to know and see the age old remains of their Venkateshwara temple.
The priest looked at me coldly and revealed his name was Raghava. Just to fulfil his duty and to spare a worse impression.He started telling me various stories regarding sources of river Chaliyar and Beypore which flowed beside this temple..the rulers who built it,the history of Southern India associated with it and so on.
I pretended that I was listening to whatever he said with rapt attention. After a word or two about all these stuff ,he managed to ask me formally and hiding his annoyance that why I was meddling into the private matters of Manjeri like wolves and mixing so much with Vinod?  I was in a fix what to reply as he continued the wolves were here for almost a month.
I said sorry but reminded Raghava why did they cancel the puja after which the hunt they claimed would have begun. I could understand he was lying when he stammered that the order of the stars have changed inappropriately. ",Ranvijay Sir stopped for a breath now.

"Dog.",muttered Lisa.

"Then very tactfully ,I took out some pages from my pocket and displayed those infront of Raghava. He gasped.",he continued.

"Which pages?",asked Aashka.

"The scribbled pages containing the formulas and reaction for rearing hybridised wolfdogs which Lisa and I had discovered from that small room in that terrace.",revealed Ranvijay Sir with a crooked smile.

"Very Clever.",I agreed grinning.

"After that when I asked him what is the meaning of this. He was furious and stared at me his dark eyes blazing fire. He just asked me rage leaping his throat that from where did I get this. I replied 'from the terrace of your temple'.He said whatever he did ,he did that for the people of Manjeri and for their betterment. That was when I couldn't control myself any longer and rewarded the stinking liar with a hard punch on his face.",he spoke .

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