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"Aashka's gonna join us!!",cried Yash overjoyed not able to believe his ears.
"And Lisa too.",added Ranvijay staring at them now knowing their true identities.
"I think I will prove to be a bit useful.",Aashka said unsmiling with dry humour.
Lisa frowned at her colleague.Aashka had not only revealed herself but also her without the permission of their department heads Vinay and Raj. She had risked their
Iives even their job.
"Are you guys gonna kill me if...",Aditi suddenly said with a known look,smiling.
"Hey, don't tell me that next its you who wants to join us.",Yash replied surprised.
"I'm sorry Miss.Tejwal.",Ranvijay addressed Aditi grimly,"This is a very serious problem not some mere fictional case adored by your readers. I can't allow you in this mission."
"Mr.Singh what if I disclose this big secret of wolf's bite to the residents of Kuchhpur and Manjeri who have so foolishly misconcepted it as an epidemic.",Aditi asked quizzically narrowing her eyes.
"Are you trying to blackmail us?",Aashka asked icily.
Yash could feel the air thick with tension. He looked at Ranvijay who sat glaring at Aditi. What he could not comprehend was Ranvijay's  decision was allowing tourists like Aashka and Lisa to accompany them into the Nilgiris.
"Girl,you call it blackmail while I call it a demand made to my friends. Take it easy.",Aditi said smiling at Aashka.Then she got up from the table and completed her payment calling the waiter.
"Are you going to leak our secret?",Ranvijay asked blocking her way.
"We can discuss about this in the Christmas Party arranged tonight at the 'Sandy Bush Hotel' tonight. Looks like you my friends don't remember Christmas.And I suggest please do wear Party dresses unlike explorers so prevent suspicion. Bye bye, see ya tonight.",she invited grinning and then left.

",she invited grinning and then left

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