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"You extracted information!Thats marvellous.",Aditi exclaimed."Oh Aashka you are a genius!"
"You speak too high of me.",Aashka said."Anyway thanks."
"Some people find it too difficult to digest their compliments,Aditi .",added Yash smirking.
"Quitting this entire discussion.",Ranvijay interrupted."We better make plans for tomorrow. The villagers can't be made suspicious at any cost."
"Right. You are speaking some sense.",Aashka agreed."Where's Lisa by the way?"
"As one can expect a fashionable girl like her to do good amount of flower shopping.",Aditi replied chuckling.
"She's never going to change.But I think it's going to help us .",Aashka muttered sighing. "What about shelter? Where are we supposed to stay?"
"I don't think you guys are going to mind camps. What about a bonfire tonight?",Ranvijay asked smiling.
"Wow you look great.",Yash complimented.
Aashka wore a black long dress with the lovely regional flower jewellery(bought by Lisa)like most tourists. She had pulled her hair back in a twisted bun when few irregular strands danced in the wind. Much to everyone's amazement Lisa wore a saree like traditional brides and Aditi wore her regular jeans the only addition was a DSLR camera hung around her shoulders. Ranvijay had his sunglasses like Yash both looking like tourists.
"We better not be together like a group today.",Aashka reminded"The villagers will grow suspicious about our motto."
"Yes. You and Aashka will stay together acting like newlyweds but keeping a watch. I'm going to be with Aditi. She needs someone since she's not trained in these things. And Lisa will look around the temple for some clues.",Ranvijay stated.
"Lisa is going to be all alone?",Yash asked concerned.
"I know my job, dear. ",Lisa said smiling."And I'm pretty sure these villagers are hiding some deep logic behind this mask of belief and religion which has something to do with the wolves and their attack."
"Take care.",Aashka said patting her friend. "And if you find anything call us immediately."
"Well then lets keep going.",Yash said taking Aashka's hand in his."We are a couple remember,miss wildcat?",Yash chuckled when she glared at him.
The gateway of the temple in Manjeri was spectacular with grandeur. The intense South Indian work carvings of different ages of mankind were defined with perfection. Today it was buzzing with crowd gathered for the special pooja offered to its Lord Venkateshwara.Stalls for food were set everywhere, from where people collected the sweets they were going to offer the lord and seek his blessings.
Few meters away a small part of that crowd had gathered in a circle. The centre of attraction stood blabbering all nonsense only to be thrashed with bamboo sticks.
"Vinod Kaka, your insanity is going too far. This temple is a place for worshippers of our Lord. Not what you claim. Its purity must be protected .",the head of the group shouted in rage."After  our Priests sacrificed their lives only to save us, its only people like you comment such filth."
"Everything is going to be destroyed....everything...every single damn things ! Already they are here.....everyone is going to be killed. Ruin this place again.",the lunatic growled.
"You moron! They are here for the Lord is angry with us ...not because of some petty urban concepts. Lord Venkateshwara's wrath set it on fire. Still you have no fear for yourself?How can you even believe of touching this divine place??",the headman kicked the madman hard."Looks like you are still building up a theory in your mind. Afterall a dog's tail never straightens."he said sarcastically.
"Fools! They will kill you...don't say this Vinod didn't warn you back then...don't blame this old soul...",the lunatic danced weirdly backing off.

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