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From Aashka's Point of View-
The pack stood in a ring..and we inside it..trapped from all the sides. One of the animals howled as soon as its eyes fell on the carcass of their own kind..their friend.Following its example the rest of the pack howled too...

Probably because he was the alpha of the pack...I saw murder in their eyes.... I suddenly remembered my revolver had only three bullets left and they were five!
The alpha wolf growled as they all jumped to attack.  I ducked immediately escaping the attack and breathed. The animal landed few metres away from me letting out an impatient blood thirsty cry ...From the corner of my eyes I could see Lisa trying to shove her knife down another's body trying to damage the vital organs and blood vessels but failing repeatedly due to the rapid movement of the creature's deadly claws..The other  two were fiercely glowering with rage  proceeding towards Yash who was trying very hard to think..I realised it would be just moments before we die..

Suddenly the alpha lunged on me totally pinning me to the ground...he tried to sink his jaws into my face when I shifted my face on the other side quickly and tried to kick him..His white fur smelled strange unlike most animals..his eyes were hickory in colour! His inches long jaw was enough to tear me apart...He growled once again due to his failure of mauling my face when I struggled and brought my hand from his paws.. holding the revolver and pressed it against his shoulders ..I could feel him pressing his claws through my other hand cutting through my flesh and drawing blood..I screamed in agony and then triggered the revolver with the maximum strength I could manage..this was enough to injure the animal we already had to kill one of them..but if this one could turn to be alive and prove a bit useful we could learn many things about hybridisation..as expected the animal did stop and then collapsed on me loosing his consciousness when I pushed him off my body.

The other animals shocked to see the fate of their mate paused immediately when all of a sudden I heard a huge commotion. Yash and Lisa upon recovering simply stared at me.It was already getting dark  and we could see dots of reddish yellow light emerging from the bushes which grew larger and more significant into flaming torches held by some...villagers..Shit! The news had travelled faster than wildfire..they were here to catch the wolves and kill them.

"So here you devils are,Lord Venkateshwara won't spare you at all.",one of the men in those religious robes cried towards the wolves. The women clung to their husbands,dumb people! I gasped when I saw one of the villagers trying to hurl a sharp spear like thing into the animal. I signaled Yash immediately when he tried to persuade the villagers to stop it. They ignored his pleas when suddenly a wolf pounced on the villager's leg tearing away a huge amount of flesh. Mauled. He screamed in fright when Yash got hold of that spear and tried to distract the animal.

Soon this turned into a bloody mess..and despite our pleadings villagers threw stones,rocks or everything they could get hold of at the wolves who got really confused it seemed by the sudden attack. Though they retreated equally too. I,Yash and Lisa fought the best we could .

Then amidst all these,I saw Ranvijay Sir entering the scene with Vinod. At the same time the priests of that temple accompanied them. Much to my dismay,they started chanting mantras (holy verses in Indian scriptures) to calm the wolves..for a moment I wanted to laugh . But anyway, the wolves  were already injured. Some of them had already collapsed and guarded from all sides by the villagers.It was high time to end this damned idiotic attack on them.

"All right that's enough. I think we should forgive these poor creatures!",Ranvijay Sir shouted trying to make his voice as loud as he could. Vinod stood next to him staring blankly at those creatures. I could see his jaw tightened and lips trembling into lines of bitterness. Was it mock anger at those priests who he claimed,killed his son?
"Are you out of your mind,mister?",a priest cried dreadfully." These animals are the next version of the devil himself. They deserve no mercy."

"But killing any animal is illegal here.Why involving the police unnecessarily?",said Yash."We should imprison them first and then decide the punishment for them.". Some of the villagers seemed to think about it practically.

"Providing refuge to the forms of devil!",gasped a priest."What a sin!". At this moment I recognised him,it was the same mysterious man with omega surmus watch whom I and Yash had chased and lost track due to the sudden entry of Vinod.  I looked down immediately not wanting him to observe or recognise me too.

"Villagers of Manjeri,if you want Lord Venkateshwara to be more furious at you and curse you then you can follow this ignorant's idea and just catch these satanic beasts!",the same priest warned now. There were  murmurs among the villagers,now.
I couldn't let them suspect me and so I continued keeping shut behaving like a newlywed bride as I had acted infront of that shopkeeper. But better risking it than failing. I inhaled deeply.

The villagers nodded looking at each other and then were about to attack the animals ;cowering in fear when I stood infront of them.

"Don't you want to stay alive silly girl?",the headman of the village stated angrily. I glared at him. "Didn't you hear our priest's order?",he asked."Out of our way,now."
"You have no right to harm a species.".I informed as calmly I could manage.
"Tell your wife to behave properly.",the face of that talkative shopkeeper emerged within the crowd now suppressed with annoyance towards Yash.

"She knows what she's doing.",Yash replied smiling and standing beside me.
"What a sin! Oh Lord in your abode! What a sin!",one of those priests panicked in an oddly sing song way which appeared comical to Lisa as I saw her grinning.

All of a sudden,we all turned back and heard a noise. Much to my horror the wolves who were terribly injured all this while  pushed off ,pounced,slammed..bit the villagers surrounding them and crossed over the dense bush running deep inside the forests! My mouth hung open like a dimwit...this happened so very quickly...

"What the hell!",Yash simply whispered in shock when suddenly I saw something unimaginable

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"What the hell!",Yash simply whispered in shock when suddenly I saw something unimaginable...when everyone's focus,attention was shifted towards the animals who had just escaped...Vinod was muttering something really fluent like lyrics and almost humming a tune towards the direction of the place where the animals stood seconds before...when he saw me looking at him..with a great thud he fell on the ground....Unconscious...

YEAH!! Finally I UPDATED again! My only achievement nowadays 😞 life's being an absolute bitch. But I won't quit this like last time I did,that's my promise 💞💞💞 You guys are simply amazing . I mean this story has already crossed more than 800 views and is going to be 1K any moment. It has already crossed 100 votes.😍💞 .THANK YOU 😭😭😭💞💞💞
A special mention now that is, apart from my and anneshasen1234 'efforts one person without whose help and support it would have been impossible is our teacher Neelashri Sarkar(aunty) . She is the only lady who has believed in us truly and in our talents throughout thick and thins and taught us to remain positive no matter what comes.She is a great writer,herself too and helps me whenever I face writer's block. 😍😂
A big thanks to her too.I owe her a lot. 😍

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