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"I caught you both KISSING!!!",Lisa burst out with happiness.
"Since when are you sneaking on us?",Aashka asked sternly trying to hide her embarrassment. Handling a panicked-quirky-romantic friend was the last thing she wanted to do now."I don't know what came over me. Practically it was nothing."
"Right practically it was nothing compared to what may occur in the future.",joined Aditi. Aashka gasped.
"YOU WERE EAVESDROPPING!!!!",Aashka shouted in disbelief. Lisa giggled.
"Off course I was.",Aditi replied."Aww.How purely romantic. I'm gonna take some idea from it in my next novel.What say?"
"No ways! Now if you two can shut up for a while,I would like to disclose something.",Aashka declared.
"What! Did he make you pregnant too?",Lisa chuckled as both of them again burst out laughing. Aashka sighed. These two people were just chewing her head with this crap.
"Okay fine,what is it?",Lisa asked now serious finally.
"That mad guy from the temple,is the father of Scientist Krishna Kumar Reddy....

After a while they knew everything. They planned with Ranvijay including Yash about Vinod who was now staying at Yash's room. Vinod agreed to help them with their mission though a bit hesitant at first. The next morning,
"Why did your son create these wolfdogs even?",asked Lisa.
"They were helpful,docile creatures.",replied Vinod.
"Till he injected them,with that chemical. As you claimed,he did it to make them more powerful so that they could be used for destructive purposes and serve him better. Right?",Said Ranvijay."What was the name of that chemical used?"
"I don't know.",was the reply.
"Are you sure?",asked Aashka glaring. Her instincts told her not to trust this man.
"What will I gain by lying ?",Vinod said narrowing his eyes.
"But why would those priests I mean those disguised scientists were after you then?",implored Yash. He was beginning to doubt this man now.
"They thought I knew the theory.",Vinod said."When in reality ,I had no idea of that theory of hybridisation."
"Just stop your drama of playing the 'Good-old-Dad'! Will you?",snapped Aditi."And tell us what you know."
Next what happened was quicker than a blink of eye. Within a flash of second Vinod brought out the small pocket knife hidden in his shirt and tried to stab Aditi who gasped.But he failed when Yash caught his arm tightly in his vice like grip and pinned his other struggling arm back.
"Quite Smart for an old man.",said Aashka tapping his face lightly. Aditi who was still not over the shock breathed hard to control herself.
"I won't tell you anything!",shouted a livid Vinod.
"And why not?",asked Ranvijay sternly this time.
" Because I don't trust anyone. You all are pretty educated to try the experiment yourselves and inject that chemical if I disclose the name.",Vinod replied fuming in anger.
"I would just go and have a word with the temple.",Ranvijay said getting up.
"Don't make them suspect you by any direct questions.",adviced Aditi.
"I won't. I will make it seem like a casual visit.",replied Ranvijay."I will bring out some evidence and investigate."
"Wait a minute,I have something to give you.", interrupted Aashka. She brought down her bag as everybody watched her with rapt attention. From the second chain she took out a green coloured pen and put it inside one of Ranvijay's jacket chain pockets.

 From the second chain she took out a green coloured pen and put it inside one of  Ranvijay's jacket chain pockets

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"You wanted to gift me a pen?",Ranvijay asked surprised."Well,Thank you."
"Keep it with yourself.",said Aashka watching him go.
"Now what?",asked Yash.
"Firstly Yash, lock this old fellow in a room where he can't show off his sudden attack moves. And Lisa,I'm planning with a bit of work today. So have your breakfast quick. We will leave shortly. I will mention you the details on the way.",explained Aashka.
"Hey wildcat,what are you upto? Don't run into any danger now. No wait,I don't trust you at all. I'm coming.",argued Yash.
"Somebody needs to keep this old guy at place. Aditi is still not over the sudden attack so you gotta stay here.",declared Aashka.
"Fine. We'll see",winked Yash.

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