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"The man's flesh has been mauled off such severely.",said Yash clicking his tongue,"As if the wolf left him half eaten."
Lisa flinched clinging to Aashka who grew irritated by her overacting. Aashka was staring at the body observing every detail,her eyes ran over the wounds, the marks. All of them were at the Nilgiri hills streched widely,there were trees with heavy vegetation. Mainly Teak,Bamboo.etc. The Nilgiri hills were not very far from Kuchhpur from where they had to take a bus to reach Mahabalipuram,rest was walking distance.
"Strangely there are no footprints of the animal.",Ravijay muttered surprised.
"Thank Goddess there isn't. At least this means the beast is not nearby.",the police officer inspecting the body chuckled.
"But there are imprints made by the human feet..",Aashka said pointing some human footprints. The soil was wet due to the previous day's rain.
Everybody watched it closely.
"It may be one of ours. We are also human beings.",Yash said glancing at those.
"Surely none of us are bare footed.",Aashka said offering him a -just-go-to-hell look.
She took out her phone and clicked few snaps of those footprints.
"Madam you are not allowed to click pictures. To remind you this is an inspection site.",the officer warned.
She stopped already having taken a photo which the officer didn't seem to notice.
"Sometimes wood-cutters from the other village come here to collect timber. It maybe one of their footprints. They are quite poor you see Aashka, shoes are a luxury.",Ranvijay cleared her doubts.Are you telling me Sir that they come by crossing the hills just for wood?",she asked puzzled.
"Poverty and hunger.",Yash nodded smiling thinly,"makes you do the impossible."
"What is the village called?",asked Aashka ignoring Yash.
"Manjeri",replied the officer smiling."A lovely tourist spot for beautiful girls. Renowned in Kerala for its ornaments made from flowers. I am sure now you both will be more than willing to visit it."
"Wow flower ornaments! So pretty.",Lisa squeaked happily.
"Not more than you.",said Yash loudly enough for Aashka to hear. Lisa blushed.
"Can't you keep quiet for a while!",Aashka said disgusted. She started walking away.
But Yash stood infront of her blocking her way.  There was no body watching them except Lisa for Ranvijay and the police officer were engaged in a serious conversation.
"Leave my way.",Aashka snapped angrily.
"I won't unless you tell me. Why are you so bitter towards everything?",he replied calmly. They were standing on a cliff which was atleast 700m high.
She didn't answer and made an attempt to move from the side not noticing the small rock. When she tripped against it Yash was certain that she would fall back .. he rushed to catch hold of her but she with surprising flexibility she caught hold of the nearest tree trunk and then gave a summersalt before touching the ground, her phone fell some distance away.But for Yash he couldn't control his own balance. Lisa screamed in fright.But Aashka was quick she clutched his wrist pulling him up.
"Oh my God! You actually saved my life!!!",he almost shouted unable to hold his shock and happiness .
"So you are okay enough to be so happy?",Aashka muttered shrugging off her shoulders.
"Yes..I mean Thanks.",he managed to say.
Aashka nodded staring at a petrified Lisa.

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