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1 year later

Time flies faster than you blink waiting for none.And life continues flowing like a river changing it's course.

The audience cheered and applauded as the 'Best Seller  2018' award was achieved by Aditi Tejwal the second time. While most of the people were in dilemma what on earth had made the Queen of romance and teen fiction switch to adventure and Sci-Fiction her publishers had claimed the change in genre increased the market demand. Her most recent work 'The Blood Moon' was a thriller and rumours already said the teen author was already offered a huge sum of money by producers who wanted to make a movie based on it. Much to everyone's surprise she had declined politely.

Aditi looked happy yet different. She was more matured now to let go of her rivals in this industry and their crude remarks. She was walking towards her car as the media flooded her ,zooming the camera on her face.

"One Question please..Miss Tejwal! ",a small girl with rimmed spectacles demanded."How did you get such an idea about wolves? Was your story inspired by someone?"

"My friends inspired me a lot.",she smiled remembering them.They who had taught her the definition of courage..the definition of love and the definition of sacrifice."I wanted to share this story which deserves to be told.This story is very close to my heart." And my life she wanted to add.

"And the real concept? How did you get an idea? "

"Let's just say some questions better remain unanswered",she smiled again getting inside her car.


"Will you marry me Lisa?",Parikshit asked getting down in one knee. "I want to share my life with you,love. You make me the happiest man alive,when I'm around you. You have no idea how special you are and I fell for you the moment right after I saw you."

Agent Lisa Gommes smiled through her tears as her recent yet permanent boyfriend slid the platinum ring on her finger.  They had dated for 8 months now and surely both of them wanted to carry forward the relationship throughout their lives.

Everyone clapped including DCP Ranvijay Singh and Agency Head Aashka Sharma in the marriage hall. The engagement ceremony was grand.After the wolves saga ended the government forced Ranvijay to take up the post in police and after a bit of thinking he accepted it delighting the residents of Kucchpur.With Raj's death officially Aashka was the head agent now leaving her no breath to spare. She had occupied herself with work after Yash's death which she was still yet to recover.

"Congratulations girlfriend.",Aashka hugged her best friend as she got down from the stage. "I'm so happy for you."

"How are you doing my agent?",Parikshit smiled mischievously kissing Aashka's hand.

"Nothing but just loaded with work.",spoke Ranvijay."Aashka is the youngest Agency head of India."

"You still didn't let of your habit of calling me young? I'm 29 now!",Aashka laughed.

"Smile more often Aashka ,we miss your smile.",sighed Lisa.

"You know what,Yash always wanted you to choose Parikshit.",replied Aashka."He would have been super happy today,drinking beer with all of us. Even whistling when you both were saying your vows."

He was the only man she had loved and would continue loving forever even though he was long gone. She missed him,his lame jokes,smiles and his way of calling her wildcat.  He was the only person she wanted to open up but fate had stolen him away. He was killed by her own bullets. She had shot him even though it was not her Yash anymore but a soon to be hybrid wallowing in agony. She had shot him before he could have experienced the pain the other hybrids had died because of. She killed him because she wanted to save him from himself.

Raj had betrayed her proving to be a traitor being the reason of her parents's death if not directly.

At first Aashka had thought she would go mad,distraught,devastated,depressed. But she  had reminded herself she had to fulfill her mother's dreams by serving her nation,she now had parents to look after. Yes she had invited Yash's parents to stay with her who were totally broken and shattered after losing their one and only child. They stayed like a family together . It was as if it was Yash who connected them even though physically not being there,they were attached for their common love towards him.

You are there in my heart,Yash. I know it. She often told this to herself,she would find herself talking all day to his pictures sharing each and every detail of his life. It felt good.

"Hey so the wedding date got finalised.!!"

Aashka jolted herself back to the present and joined the conversation. She had skipped their conversation.

3 years later

"Ma'am here's the candidate for his interview."

Aashka looked up from her pile of documents. Her spectacles on her nose. She was thirty two now still the head of agency. Her workload had increased.

"Yeah,send him in ,Rusha.",she said taking a sip from her coffee.

After a while she could feel someone inside.

"What is your name?",she asked signing still writing the something on the paper.


                                                               THE END

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