First Mission

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Lisa gasped. Aashka resumed eating as if nothing was wrong. She ignored Yash's presence.
"How dare you slap me!",Yash demanded as he caught her wrist when she turned to move.He was seriously angry now. He had neither touched in a filthy manner till now nor used any abusive word which men commonly did to women. Yet she was not showing him any dignity.
Much to his horror she brought her knee to his wrist removing his hand from her arm in a jiffy as he staggered back.
"Madam please behave accordingly this is a public place.",Ranvijay's ironical voice made them turn around.

"Before that tell your customers not to behave like uncivilised creatures.", Aashka replied frowning.
"Wildcats are surely not allowed in public places, My lady.",Yash said mockingly.
"And neither are monkeys.",she muttered in disgust.
"I beg silence. This is my restaurant. Don't create scene here.",Ranvijay interjected."Yash there is a shocking news. The police found another dead body on the hillside."
"With that same wolf mark?",Aashka asked before Yash could react.
"How do you know about it?",Ranvijay frowned."I suppose you are a tourist. Aren't you?"
"Yes we are.",Aashka hesitated for a moment then she quickly recovered,"Well just a bit of net surfing helps me to update my knowledge."
"But this matter is only kept confidential within the police ,forensic and secret agent department. Even here the common folks thinks people are mainly dying due to an epidemic they don't have any idea about wolves.",Ranvijay retorted. Something seemed fishy about these two girls."We didn't announce it officially."
"I agree.",said Yash."Even I was not informed earlier before they assigned me this responsibility. But why is such important matter kept out of people's knowledge? They should be made extra cautious when such problems arises."
"For securing wildlife.",answered Aashka and then asked Ranvijay,"Is it not Sir?"
"Yes absolutely.",replied Ranvijay."In India where we mostly have endangered species which are being hunted such rapidly. The government is thus taking steps to prevent them from extinction. If this news gets popular among the people. They would not think twice before hunting down not only the wolves but also every single animal in Kuchhpur for they have been waiting for a chance. Poachers will rule the land."he explained.
"There is no jungle ,here. Where do you think the wolves stay?",Lisa spoke for the first time.
"Well ,we do have the Western Ghats. Beneath those the areas are quite forested. Earlier according to the estimation there was no scope of wildlife survival. So probably the wolves have migrated from some other territories due to the recent flooding of their habitats by River Beypore."he justified.
"Quite interesting.",muttered Yash grinning.
"That it is for sure.",nodded Ranvijay."Even more interesting when they stand before us with us with their jaws open."
Upon this Ranvijay himself,Yash and Lisa laughed while Aashka stayed muted.
"We must go now. It was a pleasure meeting you both.Yash we need to head towards the Nilgiri immediately so that we can study the body.",Ranvijay stated with a smile. He shook their hands warmly while they introduced themselves.
"Do you mind if we accompany you both ?",Aashka asked much to Yash's dismay.
Ranvijay thought for a moment. He studied her carefully...she had a greater identity than just a mere tourist. Was it right to trust her?
"Why not! You are most welcome,lovely ladies.",Yash said will fully beaming before Ranvijay could voice its doubts.
They started walking towards the spot where Yash quietly whispered into Aashka's ear,"Getting friendly are we?"
"Never in this life atleast.",Aashka shrugged off walking past him.

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