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Hey guys please read this chapter carefully ...put in a lot of efforts to write it...❤️❤️
A chill ran down Yash's spine. The wolf looked towards their direction with open jaws and then growled loudly. Death was standing just few meters away from them....in any moment it would just pounce on him and rip his throat.He was an absolute idiot to not carry any weapon with him not even a revolver. He realised what blunder he had just done not listening to Aashka and accompanying this maverick old man.
"Just stay calm and don't move. Hold you breath.",The lunatic whispered."Lie down NOW."
Yash was too scared to speak by now. His instincts told him to run as fast his legs could carry him. If he would stand there it would be nothing but waiting to be the wolf's meat. His stomach felt cold. He wanted to punch the man standing next to him and make an attempt to run but then it was too late. The wolf was walking towards him...and before dying atleast the best thing he could do was to listen to the old man's advice. Afterall he had nothing to loose. He lied down immediately following the lunatic's example who had already done it.He held his breath and like a statue not betraying slightest the movements. The wolf much to his horror now sniffled his feet and then started coming up sniffing all his body parts one by one. And then when it was inches away from his face...Yash felt he would just pass out. But he persisted controlling his breath and
felt the wolf now sniffling his face too and then putting one of its paws on it. He controlled his urge to cringe. And after waiting for five minutes he understood the danger was gone as soon as the lunatic called him,"Well,get up its gone now."
"What on earth!!",cried Yash bewildered." How did this idea of acting dead worked! Wolves are natural scavengers and readily feed on the carcasses of other animals."
"Do you really think that they are normal wolves?",the lunatic laughed.
"What!!!!!",Aashka exclaimed totally shocked."Are you sure somebody is rearing wolves and dogs ,hybrid???"
"Never more.",replied Ranvijay."I too am shocked,quite an extent."
"But why would anyone ever do that,in here?I mean how are the hybrids going to help the villagers? The people who sell timber for livelihood...are they so knowledgeable to rear wolves?",She asked doubtfully.
"They are intelligent enough to conduct the  scientific experiment,to create formulas.Its not everything they show here Aashka Sharma. As I say always,visions can be deceptive.",Ranvijay said mirthlessly.
"I can't believe this. What the hell of an agent am I to think these villagers are ignorant and easy going!We can't trust anyone here!Not a single person!!",Aashka agreed.
"Are you suspecting anyone ?",Ranvijay questioned.
"That priest with the scientific moonwatch...Lisa found the scientific mess in that very temple itself..its all connected. I doubt that lunatic too.",Aashka quickly came to her point."The priests its them who are conducting this massacre."
"Absolutely. You speak my mind ,too.",Ranvijay supported immediately.
"Those a****les over there are rearing wolves with dogs because they want to gain power over their villagers. But why are they so hell bent on killing people?Thats something I just can't get.",Aashka said confused.
"It's really complicated."stated Ranvijay."Moreover the total mess that was there in the terrace conveyed that the rearing process was incomplete and unsuccessful through partly successful."
"What do we do now? The villagers are completely under blind faith. They think their 'so called priests' are Gods!! ",Aashka snapped angrily.
"First we need to tell Yash,Lisa and Aditi about this whole thing and ask their opinions. We plan our next move then.",Ranvijay said.
"Raj I can't believe this! This project is getting interesting day by day.",Lisa beamed in the phone."We just discovered a wolfdog rearing case."
"Thats great.",Raj's voice came from the other side of the phone."Tell Aashka to have a word with me,when she gets back."
"Sure.",Lisa said slightly disappointed.There was no big response from him as expected.

The Blood Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن