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They were sitting around the camp fire.
"River Beypore flooded twice this year, you see.",begun Yash."The inhabitants of the region Manjeri move to Mahabalipuram during the flood..Have you heard about the famous butter ball of Krishna?'he asked.

"Its in Mahabalipuram right?",Lisa enquired. Yash nodded.
"The great Butter ball of Krishna holds a magnificent belief among his devotees. A majority of Indians believe it is only because of the will of God the massive rock has not tilted even an inch, forget moving."Aashka said."Even scientists have failed to extract the logic about it."
"Thats right. I remember my mother narrating me the story of how Lord Krishna saved the village of Manjeri from this rock by only placing it like his mere butterball.",Yash said smiling."Later when she had put me to sleep. I used to wake up wandering and then trying it with small heavy rocks and failed off course.",He chuckled.
Lisa giggled when Yash asked them,"What do you believe?"
"I believe its just a myth.There must be something behind this whole mystery which might be solved someday.",Aashka said without any expression. Lisa nodded in agreement.
Yash asked surprised,"Seriously?You think so?"
"Yep.",she replied."There was nobody to narrate me this story in my childhood. I'm an orphan. My parents were killed in a bomb explosion."she simply said looking down.
"She was only eight,Yash.",Lisa whispered staring at her friend sadly.
"I'm sorry Aashka.",Yash said his heart going out for her. He imagined what it must have been for her to bear that pain. Surely it made her this strong now.
"Aashka.",Ranvijay interrupted the moment coming out of his camp."I need to talk to you urgently."
"What is it ,Sir?"she asked surprised. Had he known her true identity? Then her eyes travelled to his trouser's pocket. There it was! Her phone... It had fallen near that cliff when she was rescuing Yash.
What the hell have I done! If he tries to blackmail me ,I'm gonna shoot him....
"Leave us,Yash."He whispered in an icy cold voice.
Yash stood up and left immediately. Lisa continued looking at her friend helplessly.
"You should not have hidden this from me,Officer Aashka Sharma,that you are from the Secret Agency Department of India.",He said coldly.
"We are secret agents Mr.Ranvijay Singh. Assigned for tasks in a different way. This is my friend Agent Miss Lisa Gommes.",She addressed him confidently using his full name.
" Why are you here?",Ranvijay asked them clearly. He had seen their biodatas from her phone which
"To save these innocent people from their certain death. The people of Kuchhpur are dying. The government had sent us specially to find out the reason behind it which we both have discovered quite earlier."she replied.
"So why did you follow me and Yash? You could have started differently.",he asked surprised.
"We have the same motto.",Spoke Lisa her lips curved into a smile.
"And I knew now or after it would just be a matter of time for you and Yash to know whats related to these deaths.",Aashka said.
"And so we played the role of two curious tourists because we wanted to help you.",Lisa stated.
"To help us or you yourself required our help.",Ranvijay corrected with a sarcastic smile."We both certainly don't gain anything from this. Yeah,maybe Yash can get the job of a police. Nothing more."
"Are you going to reveal it to him?",asked Aashka her hand reaching out for her revolver hidden beneath her shirt.
"I will unless you trust me fully. For I can't work with a person who shows more than one identity and doubts me.",he said smiling.
"Fine. We are going to trust you." ,muttered Aashka much to Lisa's horror.

" ,muttered Aashka much to Lisa's horror

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