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From Yash's Point Of View-
My head is feels my body is on fire...I wake up with a start...the room where I am pitch dark and filled with silence..those thin,pointed white eerie yet annoyingly sparkling eyes comes again in my memory ...I shut it to prevent that horrifying vision... it was haunting me..
I was is not goosebumps but my body hair feels like it has grown inches long ..straight..a madness devours me... my eyes now travelled towards that wound...where that white beast had bitten me... I am gasping in horror right injured right arm has changed into the colour of green hue...
By God,what devil am I?
Miles apart ...I can hear a familiar howl from where this all started..........some changes are difficult to be normal...

Okay I know it's been like forever since I updated last...I realised that my story how getting really just thought of making it interesting...this is just a part from the upcoming chapter which I'm going to write next week..Filled with climax and twists...
(I know I have a slow tortoise pace)
Just thought of informing you guys that from now,I will be writing Scenes from the perspective of various characters..hope you like it, if you want you can suggest me some of the characters from whose perspective you would like to understand the chapter,by commenting below..
Last thing,one of the main reasons I don't update much is usually when I am depressed,stressed,angry I develop a TERRIBLE WRITER's BLOCK
So..umm..hope you understand 😊👍🏻 have a nice day
Phew ,that's all I won't bore you to death.

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