Mutual Feelings

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Sorry guys for my irregular updates. I haven't written in weeks and feel simply disgusted about it. I just hope class 10 ends soon and I manage to get some good marks. Till then,please bear with me 😞😟❤️.
"I really don't get it Raj! Why the hell do you want me to back off!",Aashka almost shouted on the phone."This case is opening up day by day. And we have progressed a lot. They are rearing hybrid wolfdogs here! Killing people! And you think this is just a normal case!"
"Calm down Aashka Sharma.",Raj said in his usual cold voice."Don't forget that I'm your department head. Our agency needs you back instead , you wasting your time
here on this hopeless case."
"You think I'm wasting my time here? I am doing what I'm assigned to do. And neither I nor Lisa  would return unless we complete this mission here. As  agents its our duty to solve this kind of problems.",Aashka declared firmly.
" But the government is not permitting you there anymore and I would like you to know that." This was the last chance.
"I want a complete notice about it",Aashka replied,"emailed or sent to me shortly in that case."
"Are you doubting me?",Raj asked now visibly annoyed and angry."You think I your senior is lying to you !!!!"
"I never said that. But its between me and the government and so I would like to handle it by myself ."Aashka said with calmness before putting off the mobile. Blood pounded in her heart as soon as she turned back.
"You never told me you are an agent.",Yash demanded his arms crossed against his chest. He had listened to the entire conversation too ,shocked to react.
"This doesn't matter.",she muttered thickly.
"Right. Its right to hide such a big thing from all of us.",Yash said with a mocking laughter.
"I and Lisa have already told this to Ranvijay Sir. He knows.",Aashka said sighing.
"What about me and Aditi?"
"Aditi is a newcomer and..
"And I'm nothing but a brainless creature who laughs at self created joke?"
"Yash that's not what I ...
"I admit I'm stupid , Aashka. But I have never betrayed anyone. I expected you to trust me ,atleast.",Yash said sorrow and hurt visible in his voice."I thought we really were friends,even Ranvijay Sir couldn't really depend on me to preserve this secret.".He turned to leave when Aashka caught his wrist. It shocked him ,simply. This was the first time she had touched him in their entire ongoing adventure.
"Don't dare to underestimate yourself.",she whispered nearing him."I'm sorry. I was ordered and made to promise,not to reveal this secret of ours with common people. Ranvijay Sir being a cop once did not fall in that category off course. I was waiting for you to become one like you dream for each night."
"You really think I'm going to become a cop?" ,he questioned surprised at her tender smile. She believed in his dreams instead of laughing at them.
"Off course I know you are going to be an honest,brave and police officer. You are a good man,Yash. I know we fight at times ,call each other names but I really like you.",she replied squeezing his palm for assurance."Don't ever change yourself for anyone."She looked beautiful with her hair open. Her chocolate brown eyes were sincere and soft and the moonlight glowed on her bright cheeks.
"I don't know,wildcat. I remember my family. My father was a farmer, a very simple one. My mother worked as a maid in village households. They saved all their money and sent me to Bangalore for my studies when I remember we had to struggle for double meals on a single day. Their hopes rested on me and they wanted me to get a good job and settle here. But when they heard about my dream of becoming a cop. They thought the devil had possessed their son. They knew immediately that I would end up being jobless. I showed my degrees to every police station out there but all they wanted was money. This mystery solving is my only hope left,now.",he explained her with a sad smile."I can't afford to die and abandon my old parents too."
"We will handle this together. I will always be there for you.",she said with a gentle hug. It was definitely wrong to judge him like that. He was just a sad yet honest soul. She was beginning to respect him now when the unimaginable happened when she pulled back.
He crushed his lips into hers ,their mouth lingering. She could feel his strong hands positioning her hair up and down behind her ears. For a moment she stood there dumbstruck trying to pull herself back by giving him a hard kick. But then she realised it was not one sided anymore. For a moment she forgot she Was Aashka Sharma an agent from Indian Secret Agency but only a normal human being with feelings which she had held for this man for so long. She only concentrated on her breathing and then grabbed his face too pushing him down on the soft mattress. The movement of their lips continued for a few more minutes tasting pleasure they never had before when she finally let go of his face.
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