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From Aashka's Point of View-
As we walked inside the forest,I felt an uncanny silence prevailing there. The trees were not very tall though they were bushy structures forming a layer of dense canopy. Few of the shrubs visibly were cleared off probably by the local folks.The rays of the sun fell on Lisa's face as she put on her sunglasses. She felt that as we were not working ,it was getting on my nerves these days. She my best friend knew,what kind of an workaholic maniac I was. Maybe..she was right. But today I needed to track those hybrids to finally understand..if that cunning Vinod actually told the truth or ..lied.
I felt terrible for inserting that microchip in the pen's cap which I gifted Ranvijay Sir,today morning. Most expectedly,he had no idea why I gifted him that or about the microchip either.  It will help me to understand the true motives of those priests turned scientists..once their entire conversation gets recorded in that chip. Good going,Aashka!
"Who do you think is lying?",I asked Lisa now.
"It could be anyone,you know. Neither I trust those priests nor this old man!",said she."but making Ranvijay Sir carry that pen along with him to record his conversation with them was a master stroke."
I frowned."How did you understand?"
"I am a secret agent,it's always necessary to keep eyes and ears open",she winked."Dude,don't forget I was the one who unpacked your luggage yesterday when you requested me. I found the original pen cover and the plastic which had the chip wrapped up.". I laughed loudly.
I scanned my eyes once again. There were no sign of them. To be honest I had no idea what to do if they attacked me or something..I simply wanted to track their location down. After that I would convey this to the Indian Wildlife Security Agency who could capture these wolfdogs. Rest would be there decision..what to do with them. But all these had to be done before the local people start hunting or poaching in the forests,influenced by those priests. Luckily,I only carried my revolver for self protection though killing any of these unique species would be the last thing I want to do.
"Aashka?"spoke Lisa.
"Do you hear something?"
I got goosebumps the moment she said this. I gathered my ears carefully trying to grasp the slightest of noise. I heard...footsteps! Somebody was following us! It was not a wolfdog or any animal but a human being. Instinctively my hand reached towards my jeans' pocket and pulled out the revolver preparing for the next thing to happen while Lisa followed suit. I breathed hard till I finally saw the owner of those footsteps...
"WHAT ON EARTH!",I shouted angrily and totally disgusted when Yash laughed like an eccentric person!
"Crap! You scared the hell out of us!",sighed Lisa.
"Agents scared so easily??",he said in his regular humorous tones.
"What are you doing here?",I glared at him."Don't tell me you left Aditi all alone to guard Vinod!."
Imagining the sharp cunning Vinod trying to attack the little,bubbly,timid Aditi itself was a terrifying thought!
"Ranvijay Sir is with Aditi. He returned.",said Yash.
I wanted to ask something more when suddenly something happened that was quicker than a blink of my eyes. A large snowy wolfdog zipped sprang from the bush and pounced on Yash! Before I could help him Yash dodged trying to get off the animal from his body but it was too late...the beast got hold of one his hand and drove its large canines through it! By then,,I had already caught hold of my revolver and shot the animal..unfortunately when Yash tossed himself to get rid of that animal my aim got wrong and the bullets pierced the left eye and leg of the animal injuring it severely. Taking the advantage Yash kicked it hard. It fell on the ground when Lisa with one swift motion of her knife sliced off its neck before I could even warn her.
"Yash,you okay?",I asked running towards him. He hand was bleeding profusely!
He nodded gritting his teeth in pain.
" God,what shall we do?",whispered Lisa suddenly ,when we turned around to find ourselves trapped by a deadly pack of white wolfdogs.....

by God,what shall we do?",whispered Lisa suddenly ,when we turned around to find ourselves trapped by a deadly pack of white wolfdogs

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Hey guys,I couldn't wait for another week to update this. Hope you like it. The next part is a big action packed thing awaiting..😉😉😉😎What do you think is about to happen next? Will Aashka,Yash,Lisa be able to fight these creatures? What about the conversation tapped in that microchip,,,read more to know more...

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