The Forgotten Hero

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Ranvijay stared at his long..lost uniform. It was brown in colour with those proud colourful stars once he had achieved with his hardwork and sheerdetermination. The lable stated his name: Inspector Ranvijay Singh. In his life of thirty eight years perhaps being the O.C of Kuchhpur was the bittermost experience. A wave of nostalgia ran through him.

He had resigned before they could chuck him out.He condemned this corruption...this bribery and many more. But he loved this fact he was still helping the people of Kuchhpur even not staying the O.C. Even now they asked for his advice shocked that he was more than happy to assist them. He didn't crave for credit which then they took themselves leaving him to himself again.
Ranvijay was a medium heighted with a set of gunmetal eyes,well toned body and sharp nose. He kept a thin moustache that symbolised his sincerity.
His phone rang awakening him from his thoughts.
"Hello",he said in his deep gravel voice.
"Ranvijay I'm speaking from Kuchhpur Police Station.",the voice he hated the most answered.
"Yes Officer how can I help you?",Ranvijay asked coldly.
"I suppose you remember that wolf mystery."
"Yes I do. You got any evidence?"
"Nope. But we have got somebody to help you."
"Really? But I don't need anyone's assistance ,inspector."
"Well, this time even we won't be there to help you. So....
Ranvijay gave a hollow laugh. Such cowards.
"The boy is called Yash. Tall,well built, strong and fast, applicable for this kind of action stuff. In his twenties....young blood.What say?"
"How did you get the boy trapped?",Ranvijay asked with a sigh.
"Oh comeon.He wants to be in the police he gotta take some risk."
"Just because someone is can you exploit someone like this? You yourself know its a huge risk for his life."
"You can meet him today at your family restaurant. I will send him right away."
" What an honour to finally meet you Sir.",Yash beamed smiling to Ranvijay who had recently arrived at his own family restaurant ; "The Chef's meal".
Ranvijay stared at the young fellow sadly..probably the guy didn't have any knowledge about the risks of their expedition into the woods. He might even just end up loosing his life.... but how eager he was and how determined.
"You're an inspiration to many sir. It will be my life's honour to follow you.",Continued Yash almost blind with joy."And then I will join the police."
There was something in this boy's voice..was he too not the same excited about his dream before joining the police.
"Listen lad...err I mean young man.",Ranvijay quickly corrected himself as he started,"Honesty is a base of every relationship or even partnership. So I would like to inform you something before you are on cloud nine."
Yash listened patiently absorbing every single word.
"This is a huge risk for both of our lives. Speaking about myself I am simply not concerned about my life. I just yearn for adventure sometimes ...roam like a vagabond. I don't have an ambition. Neither I have a job nor my family. So it won't make any difference even if I die. But you have a full life ..a family. Plus don't you realise that those cowards are exploiting you?",Ranvijay tried to explain.
"I am not scared." ,Was Yash's reply without hesitation.
"Don't behave like a fool. They won't even give you the honour if we succeed. Man, forget about surviving ! They won't even bother to give you the deserved respect of a hero if you die. They are using you,Yash.We need to trek into the mountains. It rains there every now and then making it too dangerous and slippery for climbing. Perhaps we would just turn out to be the prey of deadly wolves of that species."
"But they promised to grant me the position of an officer. I need that desperately. I don't crave for any credit."
Ranvijay was going to protest when the phone rang in his blazer's pocket. He clicked his tongue in irritation,"These damned fellows would surely be my death someday. Excuse me Yash and sorry for the interruption. I will be back. Ok?'
Yash nodded with a smile. He liked this man for his straight forwardness. He got up from his chair and decided to roam about in the place for a while. It was a good restaurant in open in presence of eucalyptus trees and wild flower bushes. The tables were arranged neatly.

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