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Please read this part carefully. It contains a lot of information.Enjoy. ❤️
"Its a long story. I don't know if you will want to believe me or not. But this is my last chance to prove my intentions and to save my idiotic people.",the lunatic whispered in a heavy voice betraying emotions. A thin smile played on his lips. He sat with Yash on his little hut over a cup of tea which he had insisted making for the young explorer.
Yash stared at his cup,fiddling with his cup's handle. His mind was busy searching answers. Why should he trust this man? But he had saved his life which counted the most. What if Aashka was right?
"Do you think I am trying to poison you?",the lunatic chuckled.
"No definitely not!I am just confused.",Yash recovered quickly taking a sip immediately.
"You should be."was his host's reply.
"Who are you? And why do you think I can be of some help?",Yash asked now finally straight to the point."What do you know about the wolves and how?
"Have you heard the name of V.Krishna Kumar Reddy.",the lunatic whispered.
"That was a bad joke.",Yash laughed. V.Krishna Kumar Reddy was an awarded biologist of the southern region . He had died almost six years ago in a forest fire. And this man looked nothing like the godly scientist. Not an inch even.
"I'm his father,Vinod Kumar Reddy.",the lunatic revealed still smiling."My son was an ass.........a devil. They said it was an accident but I don't believe it. Because,He was murdered for his greed obsessed partners who wanted his theory. THAT DAMNED THEORY THAT RUINED HIM!!!!!",he shouted.
"Which theory?",Yash managed to ask still frozen by shock.
"The theory of HYBRIDISATION! He reared wolfdogs first that served him as his pets. He was a good man back then. When we visited Manjeri ! The biggest mistake of our lives. We met some scientists here too,who poisoned his brain with their fake advices. I still remember that day. We were having dinner with our pet wolfdog Rox. When suddenly my own own Krishna injected the poor creature with a chemical. When I tried to stop him he looked back at me. I can never forget that look he gave me that very day. The dark glint in his normally soft eyes was not of my son's but of a villain. Rox barked the whole night. In the morning when I went to see it,My son was examining his newly invented powerful species to his excited friends. They ignored my pleadings even Rox seemed distant and more like a beast. After that our old pet stayed in Krishna's laboratory while Krishna was busy creating its clone. Rox the gentle creature he was who never hesitated killing a fly would now hunt in the forest killing innocent animals for food and also for his master. Krishna increased the number of hybrids everyday rearing more dogs with wolves which was illegal. By then he had already become a drug addict and a gambler too among those wrong company of his friends. He no longer respected me. Due to his lack of interest in researches ,his money to came to an end too which made his friends desperate for that valuable theory. But he didn't want to disclose it to them which made them angry. Afterall they only used his ,money. And now he was totally disabled the only thing that could drive them from hrags to riches was that theory worth in crores. My son was in depression when one of his friends stole it and published about it on the newspaper claiming it to be his own,cheating Krishna. And then I was the only support he had. I adviced him to inform the police and get that man arrested. He listened to me then,that was the last time though. But no one was ready to believe an ex drug addicted scientist could be capable of creating this massive formula. Taking this advantage his damned friend filed a case against him charging him 6 crores. That disappointed him totally when he went for a walk in the forest that evening when he heard that and died in that fire.Even before I got this news his friends were here to burn our house,my only remaining possession. They thrashed me and killed my intelligence. You want to know who they were?
Then listen the priests who are God-Like for the people of Manjeri. They are still hybridising wolves with dogs in that harmful manner to kill people. The wolves were caged once but now the problem is they are roaming free escaping."

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