The Writer

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"You're a writer?",asked Yash puzzled. The newly met girl sitting with him had introduced herself as Aditi. She was a short,pretty girl with pinkish white skin,olive green eyes and dimples.She wore dark rimmed spectacles. Her face was round and her long hair was done in a neat plait,with an attractive lock that fell before her large eyes increasing her loveliness.

Right now Yash was inside a local dhabha a bit far from their camp, specially invited by some residents of the Nilgiri hills.
"Yes. And you said you're an explorer.",Aditi replied smiling. They had met a while ago in this dhaba. She had told him about her interest in this mysterious killing of people and her desire to know the true reason hidden behind it. For she had proudly acknowledged that hers was a writer's brain desperately searching for ideas to write her next novel.She did not believe it was an epidemic like most people.
"That I am. But it seems this mission is already attracting millions. Is it not?",he asked chuckling.
"Why is there someone else who is as crazy as me about this whole thing?",she questioned rolling her eyes in amusement.
"My friends are including myself,Lady Aditi.",Yash remarked playfully.
"Have you heard about the underground Yakshya Temple of Manjeri ?"she asked raising his interest.
"Yakshya? You mean those about whom we hear in myths..that gigantic...hairy men and women who protected those valuable,diamonds,rubies..", he enquired surprised,"Well yes. I had heard about the temple built underground but never knew it was devoted to Yakshyas."
"You're not the first one,offcourse.",she added," Its a fact only known to few."
Yash was about to say wow when he saw Ranvijay,Aashka and Lisa making their way inside the dhaba. As they got in Lisa was the first one to spot him.
"We had been searching you almost for an hour near our camp.You had even left your phone inside it.",Ranvijay spoke annoyed.
"I thought of giving you guys some privacy so I moved in here when these friendly people insisted me.",Yash replied vaguely,"Sorry."he mumbled. Aashka frowned.
"Its ok",Ranvijay said nodding curtly.
"By the way, meet her.This is my new friend Aditi.",he said smiling as he pointed towards Aditi,"And Aditi these are my friends Ranvijay Sir, Aashka and Lisa."he introduced.
"Nice to meet you guys.",Aditi said with a chordial smile.

",Aditi said with a chordial smile

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