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"Why?",questioned Yash.
Aditi didn't bother to reply as she added,"Channel no.63 the prime news channel. See it for yourself."
Aashka without any delay obeyed her. It was clear to her by now that something had occurred...something really bad enough to have appeared in the news.
The T.V screen flashed open. Aashka put it on full volume. They all saw the local bridge near the Manjeri border surrounded with huge cameras capturing the full CCTV footage.It was certain that this exclusive clip displayed right now was also from any such footage. There was a black Mercedes parked with a plump man sitting inside waving his hands to the mob. Cheer rose from the public. The locals had spared no attempt for the M.L.A's safety.
"C'mon Aditi. We all have read the newspaper headlines today morning, so we know M.L.A RajKrishanan Iyer is promoting himself by visiting these rural areas for the elections.",Yash said in a flat tone.
"Patience. Hold on,buddy.",replied Aditi grinning at him and then at the others.
The clip continued as they all observed it with every detail. The black Mercedes left then carrying the M.L.A. Then ...finally they saw it!
The first thing they saw was 2 pairs of bottle green yet beastly eyes. The creature was larger than a dog in size with pointed ears and mouth as it growled showing its dangerous canines. Its fur was oddly silver in colour. The people freaked in panick,creating a public turmoil running for their lives.
"Wolf",whispered Ranvijay. His jaws dropped.
The wolf howled letting out a long cry. The footage turned blurry and hazy but clear enough to observe that it pounced on a man who struggled to get himself free. But all his efforts turned went to vain against the animal's vice like grip. Then it dug its sharp teeth against the man's hand instead of tearing him apart like most animals. Shockingly the man shivered not out of hysterics but due to agony though there was rarely any blood loss excepting few drops not life threatening. And then his body became short he died. The wolf howled again. And then tore its flesh mauling off. Then it disappeared into the woods dragging the corpse along with it.
Yash got a wave of nausea witnessing this ghastly death. He gulped uneasily.
"Damn!",Aashka muttered as the lines of her face hardened severely. The T.V screen replayed the same clip again and again when she switched it off throwing away the remote in frustration.
"Well,just to inform you this occurred an hour before.",Aditi added her voice serious now.
"Ridiculous! Damn this stupid party!",Aashka snorted in disgust."The situation has messed up badly."
"Is there any other problem too?",Yash asked,"I don't understand."
"Obviously now that they are openly showing it in the news. No wonder now people will be gone for poaching every day..every minute..every second.They are gonna hunt down and kill the entire forest. Innocent animals who don't have anything with this are going to die each day.The wolves certainly would retreat..and most importantly this will not only be just a mess but also a bloody mess. The village Manjeri is going to destroyed fully ,I can assure that.", Ranvijay explained. His voice trembled slightly.
"Because the real trouble has just begun." He added.
"No. We have save them...we just can't give it up like this. Hell with this news! We have to race against the time,against them...for it is a question of not just one life but millions.",protested Yash vehemently. He could feel Aashka's brown eyes boring into his. Was there hint of admiration ? He continued,"We can't dream of leaving all of them to their fate. I really can't."
"I couldn't agree more.",said Aashka. There was something in her voice that caught him. And then for the first time he saw her smiling giving a way to her dimples though it was a short one. She looked divine.
Ranvijay patted Yash." So we all head for Manjeri, Tonight. Pack up all your things."
Then looking at Aditi he said,"You're welcome to join us Miss.Tejwal."


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