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We started walking out of the office.

"This is the cafeteria, and those are the stalls. There is Japanese Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Ko-"

"Thanks, Jimin. I got it, I can read," I flashed him a smile. He just glanced at me and rolled his eyes. Two-faced man.

"Okay. Since you can read, there are signs in the school that can help you in directions. Go read those instead. I don't need to help you anymore." He said. I scoffed. Attitude problems...

Jimin literally left me standing in front of the cafeteria, who knows where to go next.

I started being useful and tried to locate myself to my classroom. I knew I was going to take a long time, so I started immediately.

My classroom is #05-33. It's on the FIFTH LEVEL? WTF? I hate the stairs.

I climbed one by one, and finally made it. My breath was heavy and exasperated. I was panting like some crazy dog and was perspiring from head to toe.

"You have to burn more calories, pig!" A girl that looked malnourished spat at me while walking past.

"You need to eat more. I only see your bones, are you too poor to eat?" I replied sarcastically. She faked a laugh. It was high-pitched and annoying. Damn, what's wrong with all the students in this "prestigious" school?

"I'm probably richer than you, filth." She hissed. Basic mean bitch, I guess.

"Sure." I didn't want to waste my breath on low-lives like her, so I just walked off.

If you're wondering why we have so much time, the first period was cancelled because the teachers had some kind of conference or meeting.

I finally found the class. It was empty, as expected. Since all the pupils were in the lobby. I double checked the classroom again, just to make sure I was in the correct one.

"God, I'm exhausted." I placed my head on the table. I was sitting at the back of the class, since I didn't know where to sit, and my first instinct was to be at the back.

I looked outside through the windows and just daydreamed. "What are you doing in my seat?" Someone spoke rudely. I immediately got up and wanted to apologise.


"Thank god, you're in my class. Sorry about your seat, geez."

"Ugh, I specially arranged for you to be in my class." He said. "What are you doing in here so early? I thought you were supposed to have a tour with Jimin."

"He ditched me, that son of a b-"

"Shh! His mother owns one of the greatest companies in Abelore." He scolded.

"He must be rich." I muttered.

"Are you stupid? Everybody here in this school are the sons and daughters of multimillionaires!"

My mouth was wide agape. I feel stupid. Well obviously, this is the most prestigious school in Abelore. Also, Abelore is a humongous country and it's known for being a wealthy city.

"Well- you're the prince right?" I asked. Taehyung nodded. "Then why were the girls calling you 'oppar' instead of bowing down and showing respect?"

"When I joined this school, my father, the king, told everyone to address me as a normal student, Kim Taehyung. I told you before, he wanted me to grow up in a very normal society." Taehyung explained lightly.

I nodded my head; this is complicated but understandable. "And by the way, you don't have to bow down on your knees and greet me, you just do a simple curtsy. All girls do that."

"God, I'm done lecturing you, just try to stay out of trouble, okay?" Taehyung continued.

I snorted. "As if I want to get into trouble,"


Class started and it was soon packed with many students. I found a vacant seat near the window. Apparently this class was the best among the rest, so everyone in here is smart.

The teacher, Ms Hwang, seemed pretty strict. She started talking about a bunch of concepts I didn't understand at all. Wait, what is this?

We're learning about stocks and shares? I'm majoring in medicine! I 'psst'ed Taehyung, who was sitting diagonally in front, but he didn't notice. Is he perhaps sleeping? I tore a piece of paper from my notebook and crunched it up. Then, I wrote my concerns quickly. Aiming at his head, I threw the paper at him, waiting for him to pick the paper up.

"What do you want?" I read his lips.

"Look at the paper." I whispered, while pointing at the crunched up paper lying on the floor. He looked down, picked it up and opened it. He started smirking.

"Too bad," He gave me a duck face.

Ugh. Is this even legal?

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