2• fuck off

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"HANNA!" James' voice roared down the hall, only partially getting numbed by the loud music

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"HANNA!" James' voice roared down the hall, only partially getting numbed by the loud music. I flinched at the sound of it, running faster. I prayed that he had decided to stay with Jungkook and wouldn't run after me.

"Fuck" I cursed, panic rushing through my veins. I had no desire to be near a wasted James right now. He got irritated and pissed so easily when he was this drunk and his favourite way of dealing with it was letting it out on me for whatever reason. It was almost like he turned into a different person when he was drinking and the only solution I had come up with so far was to stay the fuck away from him.

Eyes hectically searching for a place to escape to, I suddenly remembered where I had last seen Sammy and Cat. I ran back to that room but the door was locked when my body fell against it, desperate for a hiding place.

"Sammy! Cat!" I banged my fists against the door in frustration. When I took a moment to check behind me whether James was following me and to take deep breaths, muffled moans suddenly reached my ears. Pressing my head against the door I quickly took a step back from it when I heard the moans again, loud and clear. My eyes widened when I realized what was going on in that room. I was praying to the heavens that it wasn't either of my two best friends.

"HANNA!" That's James. "Why are you running? Come here!" he roared. Damn it, he was definitely coming after me and the tone of his voice verified that he wasn't going to give up until he had me back in his arms. Not today, boy.

I lowered my form to crouch down behind a group of girls downing shots. No time left, I darted up the stairs. Knowing Sammy's house like the back of my hand even now when it was swallowed in dim neon party lights and filled up to the brim with drunk teenagers.

This was my big advantage, James had never been to Sammy's house before and he definitely did not know where her room was, so that's exactly where I went. I made sure to switch off the lights in the corridor leading up to her room before I slammed the door of her room behind me, turning the key in the lock and sinking to the cold floor in relief.

It took me a good few minutes to fully catch my breath and calm down, fingers trembling. I took long, deep breaths, calming my racing chest before I let my eyes take in my surroundings.

The room was pitch black so there wasn't much to see but I intended on keeping it that way. I just wanted to sit in the dark for a bit. It helped me relax. It helped me think.

Once I fully caught my breath and had listened for any sign of James down the hall for long enough to feel safe, I turned around. Sammy's window was wide open, letting in a cold gush of night air. I wondered who had opened it. James' shouting was gone, he had either given up or was too far away now for me to hear it. It gave me courage to get up.

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