Twenty Seven

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Dan felt himself slip off the couch as he awoke.

His elbow hit the ground, and he gasped. He bit his lip so he wouldn't cry out anymore. Pain flooded his arm, and he laid there, waiting for it to subside. Normally it would last a few seconds, but now it hurt for a whole minute.

"Dan?" Phil's voice made him let his lip go from between his teeth. He pushed himself up, smiling falsely.

"Sorry. I fell. What's up?" He stood, and watched Phil rub his eyes.

"You can lay back down.. I'm going to make breakfast," he told Dan. Dan smiled.

"I have to go straighten my hair. I'll be right back."

"Dan, you can barely move your arm past your shoulder. No, lay down."

"But my hair-"

"Nobody is going to see your hair. Besides, I like it."

"Phil, it looks bad-" Phil pushed a finger to Dan's lips, shutting him up.

"I'll straighten your hair. Just lay down." Dan huffed, and leaned against the chair. "I'll straighten it, then make breakfast. Okay?"

Dan nodded, and Phil walked into Dan's bathroom. He searched for the straightener, smiling upon finding it.

He walked back out, and plugged it in.

He gently took a few of Dan's curls in his fingers, and pulled down gently. He placed the straightener on them, and held it for a moment before pulling down.

He did this until Dan's hair was no longer curly, and was completely straight. Dan wrapped one arm, his good one, around Phil's waist, and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Phil."

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