Forty One

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"Hi, officers," Faith took a seat on the same couch as Dan. Dan tensed.

"Hello, Faith. We've spoken to Dan and Phil, and neither seem to show signs that Dan would harm you. Miss, could you explain what he would do to you?"

"Yeah. He'd smack me around. He'd make me have sex with him at times. He would hurt me all the time if he disagreed with my opinion."

"That's a lie! Dan never hurt her! And he definitely wouldn't force sex on her. He didn't want sex. And she never ever had any marks on her," Phil defended.

"Haven't you ever heard of make up, Phil?" Faith scoffed. "Besides, you never were there when he got mad."

"Dan never gets mad with me," Phil said.

"He doesn't date you."

"Actually, me and Dan have been dating for quite awhile now, and has never EVER hit me."

"What?" She snapped, eyes widening at his words. "I knew it! He probably cheated on me!"

"No, we started dating way after you broke it off!"

"Guys, calm down. Daniel, did you ever hurt her?"

"No!" He snapped. "And I never would have! I actually loved her!"

"He's lying."

"Miss, do you know what happens when you make false charges? You-"

"He hurt me! I- you'll just agree because one person says he never hurt him? That's fucking ridiculous! Dan, you goddamn lair!" She yelled. The cops exanged glances.

"Ma'am, may we speak with you outside?"

The cops led her outside, and Dan looked up at Phil nervously.

"Hey, babe, you did really good. They won't be able to arrest you."

Dan nodded, and relaxed when Phil sat next to him.

"You'll be okay," he rubbed Dan's back. A few minutes later, one cop came back inside.

"So. We've arrested Faith for false charges. Thank you both for your cooperation," he nodded as Dan sighed with relief. "I'm sorry we had you guys put up with this kind of situation."

"Thank you, officer."

The cop left and the two sat.

Phil looked at Dan.

"Did she.. Are you okay? That's some real stupid shit to make up."

"I'm fine," he whispered. "I'm okay."

"Dan," he put a hand against Dan's back. "Its okay to cry. That's messed up. She called the police for something fake; it's okay."

"She was somebody I loved!" Dan suddenly exclaimed. "I trusted her! Phil, I trusted her! Now she thinks I'm a cheater, and tried to say I abused her!"

And he started to cry.

"Its okay, Danny." Phil pulled him close as he cried. "It's alright to cry."

He cried. He felt like a teenager again. Crying over little things.

His crying lasted until he was asleep against Phil. Phil was still rubbing his back, even after he had fallen asleep.

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