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Newt slouched in his thrown. What was he thinking? There was no way Tommy was gay. He's just a peasant. All he knows is work and struggling. He should have just killed him when he got there. A guard came in and asked what he wanted done to Thomas. King Newt gave his order. The guard debated with himself whether or not to argue, but decided not to. Instead, he nodded and left.
At least your family is safe, Thomas told himself. He doesn't need to know you're actually gay. Who knows what the village will do to your family if they find out. With ever second came another blow. Whether it be a kick or punch, Thomas wasn't going to give up.

A guard walked in, seizing the abuse. Huddled in a circle, the guards exchanged words in whispers. Every once in a while, a guard would look back at Thomas. Soon their discussion came to an end and the guards walked back up to the abused boy. Two guards picked him up by the arms. The third guard continued beating Thomas.

Thomas was almost passed out when the guards dropped him and left. As soon as he heard them leave, Thomas let out a few tears before passing out completely.
The room Thomas woke up in was dark. His arms were hanging past his head. He realized that he was upside down with his legs trapped in chains connected to the ceiling. Thomas tried to swing up, even for a second to get some of the blood out of his head. Across the room, he heard the door open. In the second, he stopped swinging and prepared for the worst.

"Tommy," he heard a voice say. It was Newt. "Tommy, are you in here?" Thomas stayed quiet, not wanting to talk to Newt. "Look, I know you're in hear. I'm the one who ordered the guards to bring you here. You know, you're not that good at hiding when you're scared."

At this, Thomas heard footsteps getting closer. Soon, he was face to face with Newt. Thomas crossed his arms and waited for Newt to continue even though he already knew what he was going to say. "So tell me, what are you afraid of?"

"Let me down, and I'll tell you," Thomas said, well slurred as he could barely speak with there being a lot of blood in his head. Newt obliged. After a few seconds of letting the room stop spinning, Thomas sat down. Seconds later, Newt sat next to him. "I'm scared of what will happen to my family if I marry you. They'll get killed by the people who are jealous. I was-am-nobody."

Newt took a second to process, "Are you forgetting that I can protect your family?" Thomas smiled, and nodded slightly. "If you agree to marry me, your family will be protected. I love you, Tommy."

"I love you too, Newt."

Newt led Thomas to the infirmary to fix him up. After Thomas was cleared to leave, the boys went to Newt's throne room. They were only there for a few minutes before a couple guards ran in with a body of a boy, clearly dead.

Thomas recognized the body and ran to the guards and body crying. "Tommy?" Newt asked. Thomas just shook his head. Newt got up and went beside Thomas. The boy was small with curly brown hair. "Tommy?" Newt tried again.

"Chuck was my best friend," Thomas stated quietly. Newt hugged Thomas.

"We're going to find the person who's been killing people," Newt assured him. Thomas nodded and continued crying. Seeing Thomas upset made Newt swear to himself that he was going to find whoever was murdering the innocent people.

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