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Thomas smiled as he curled into a ball on the ground in the furthest corner. They'd killed him. The guards had finally found him and killed Minho. Both pinky fingers missing, one tooth lost, and countless numbers of scars is all it took. But now here he is. Crying in the corner, relief from having to worry about what will happen next. Someone came and picked him up, but Thomas didn't care who it was. He was free.

His vision clouded as they ran through tunnels and into trees. He heard Minho's voice in the back of his head, but Thomas pushed it away. Tears were still streaming down his face and all he wanted to do was see Newt. After three months of torture, of wanting to give up and end his life, he'd finally get to see his Newtie again. The kingdom is finally free from everything The Priest brought.

About halfway to the castle, Thomas passed out. But he didn't care. Passing out meant sleep. Thomas needed sleep almost as much as he needed food. Since being with Minho, he's lost more than half his body weight. He ate only once a month and drank small amounts every three days. He hoped that when he wakes up, everything would be a dream.

He could tell they were at the castle from the soft scent of lilacs. All he could hear were footsteps, probably Newt and the rest of HECTIC. Thomas tried to wake up, tell them that he would be okay eventually, but his body wouldn't. Instead, he could only hear them. They kept passing around his hands, noticing the two missing fingers. Soon, he couldn't even do that as his body fainted.

The last thing he heard was, "Don't give up on us-me-Tommy. You're better than this. A tear hit his arm and he was engulfed in darkness, fighting between sleep and death. Sleep won, much to Thomas' enjoyment. He couldn't die now. Not when he has just got back to his friends and family. If he can live through Minho's torture, Thomas can surely live through the healing process.

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