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"We're gathered here today to bring together King Newt and Thomas in marriage. If anyone would like to explain why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace . . . Very well, Thomas, repeat after me. I Thomas."

"I Thomas."

"Swear to always protect the kingdom and it's people alongside of King Newt."

"Swear to always protect the kingdom and it's people alongside of King Newt."

"I promise to hold and protect Newt through every hardship."

"I promise to hold and protect Newt through every hardship."

"Through sickness and health."

"Through sickness and health."

"Through happiness and sadness."

"Through happiness and sadness."

"Through war and peace."

"Through war and peace."

"Throughout forever."

"Throughout forever."

The Priest did the same for Newt. Then she told them they could say their vows. Newt went first.

"I know this probably won't be as magical as hearing it the first time, but this time, my vows are different.

When the old Priest held me captive, you found other people to help you rescue me. I have no doubt in my mind that you will have any trouble stepping up and taking the place as King with me. I can't wait to spend every moment with you and it makes me feel safe that you'll be there to help make decisions because you know what's best for people even if you don't know them."

Newt finished and Thomas began.

"A few months ago, I thought I would be dead by now. When I was getting chased by the guards, I thought that was it for me. But then I lived to see the next, then the next. I fell in love with the person who I'd grown up listening to people tell me I was a speck compared to you. When you were held by the old Priest, I was worried sick about you. It was like someone had taken my arm and was slapping me with it. And now look where we are. We've gone through many times of despair and now we can finally be happy."

Everyone applauded and Newt and I kissed. The day went happily from that moment on.

Late at night, Emilio found the newly wed Kings and urgently said he needed to share what he'd needed to tell them. Newt and Thomas both noticed him shaking and waited for Emilio to be ready to tell them. "Minho got away before you killed him," he finally announced. "People have seen him around. At first I thought they were crazy, but then I saw him. And he saw me."

A/N: I figured out a way to make this go longer. Yay!

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