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Months have passed and Thomas still hasn't woken up. It was clear that he was getting better, but he's failed to regain consciousness. Newt never lost fate. He stayed by the bed as much as he could. When they'd first retrieved him, Thomas was well underfed and dehydrated. This was the main reason that he wasn't waking up quickly. Another reason was because Minho had caused a severe amount of blood loss. If Newt had it his way, Minho would still be alive, being tortured into a slow, painful death. But it would have been too risky to keep Minho alive.

After a month had passed, everyone had started losing hope. HECTIC has been preparing a funeral for Thomas, getting ready to lose another friend. It hurt Newt when he walked passed the room they were in, talking about what Thomas would want in his funeral. Newt didn't have the heart to tell them what he heard, so they think that it's still secret.

Even his mom and sister have started to lose hope. Oftentimes they would spend their day moping around, not eating. The new priest, Ava Paige, visits every once in a while to pray for Thomas to wake up. Newt didn't want to rule the kingdom by himself again. Minho was right when he said that someone could easily overthrow him. He was weak. It was as simple as that. If Tommy didn't wake up, Newt would be hopeless, broken.

It was around one in the morning. "Hey, Tommy," Newt said in no more than a whisper. "It's a shame that you're not awake for this, but happy one year anniversary. I love you." As Newt finished, he felt something squeeze his hand. He looked down at his hand that was holding Thomas' and smiled for the first time since they saved him.

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