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Thomas' POV

The Priest took me into a room I'd never seen before. I didn't get time to look around before I heard a crack. The Priest held a whip and walked up to me. He grabbed my arm and yanked me over to where chains were held from the ceiling of the room. Forcing me on to a small step ladder, he secured my hands in the cuffs. Then he pulled the step ladder out from under my feet. I was left to hang there.

"Thomas," The Priest got in my face, "you made everything ten times harder for me . . ." he walked around to behind me. ". . . so I'm going to make things twenty times harder for you." A pain went through my back as the whip made harsh contact with my bare back. I choked back a scream as to not show weakness. "That one was just a practice. Now I want you to start counting. The first time you mess up, I start over. The second time you mess up, I double whatever you stopped at. Third time triple and so forth. Understand?" I nodded, trying to mentally prepare myself.

A smack, much harder than the first made a crack go through the room.


Another whip.


Another whip.


Another whip.


By now my body was numb. Tears were silently falling down my face. Every word was now a scream of pain. A short, agonizing while later, I passed out. Before I did, I felt The Priest drop me. I fell to the ground and lost consciousness. The warmth of my blood surrounded me.

"Tommy!" was the last thing I heard before completely blacking out.

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