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Thomas' POV

I woke up completely naked, a cool breeze blowing against my body. Behind me, I could hear a buzzing noise, but I couldn't turn around to see what it was. It occurred to me that I was in a chair. It had a high back and arm rests. My neck was restrained so everytime I leaned forward I was choked. My hands were held down to the arm rests. My legs tied to the legs of the chair.

There was a searing pain in the back of my head. My vision was slightly clouded, so I couldn't see much further than a foot in front of me. All I knew what that the room was dark.

My mind immediately went to Newt's dungeon. Had it all just been a dream? Was it all just a bad dream my mind had made up. If that's the case, then Chuck might not be dead! Any moment now, the Guards should be showing up and I'll get my regular beating. That's how things are.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but cliff hanger . . .

Haha, nah, I'm not that mean. Anyway, continue on . . .

As if on cue, a few people came in. They weren't the normal guards. These were people that I've never seen before. "Thomas," a stern voice said, "you have sinned. Your punishment can only be worse death. But believe me, death will come and it will be a sweet relief." The people surrounded me.

One by one, the my restraints were removed. I didn't have the energy to try to run or fight back. A kick followed by a punch. Different combinations of hits were sent my way. I was crying, but none of them seemed to notice or care. Right before I blacked out from blood loss, one of the people bent down to my level. "You're just the person we need to rebel against King Newt."

What did he mean by that?
I woke up after who knows how long. This time, I was no longer in the dark room. Now, I was in a bedroom. It was kind of like the one I had in Newt's castle, but this room wasn't as welcoming. People were standing by the door, waiting for me to wake up.

Without saying anything, they walked up to me and grabbed me harshly by the arms. I realized I was still naked, but the men seemed unfazed by it. It didn't look like I was getting clothes any time soon. And that scared me since I didn't know what they were planing on doing to me.

Before I knew it, we were outside. I struggled against the men, sobbing. Newt should have just killed me like everyone else. I shouldn't have left my house on that day. I shouldn't have fallen hard for Newt. This is all his fault. He should have killed me when he had the chance. On that day that the Guards brought me in. I'd be better off dead rather than in this predicament.

Soon, we were in the center of the town. We were at the Festival. Everyone in town was here; including Newt. My eyes searched the crowd for my family. A few minutes later, I found my mom and sister. They looked like they hadn't slept for days. Which they probably hadn't. In the back of the crowd, above everyone, was Newt. He didn't seem to notice me. And a part of me was happy for that.

I was pulled out of me search by the men pulling me on to a stage.

A/N: Cue the cliff hanger! And yes, this time I'm being serious about this one :p Next chapter should be up tonight or tomorrow so you won't have to wait long.

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