Rainbow Dash gets bullied

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After Soarin cheered Rainbow Dash up, it was lunch time and everyone went to the cafeteria to get some lunch, once she got there she couldn't help but kept blushing about how Soarin was being nice to her.

???: "Hey Crash!!"

She then heard a mysterious voice and and saw three mean girls who like bully people just to get what they want.

The first one had lightning yellow hair with some orange yellow hair, ember yellow eyes, black and yellow jacket, light blue jacket with a white lightning bolt and three yellow stars, jeans, and sea foam green sneakers her name is Lightning Dust.

The second one had white and purple spiky hair, pale yellow eyes, brown jacket, brown tank top, black skirt, and brown boots, her name is Gilda.

And the last one is their leader,  she had dark indigo hair in a ponytail, orange eyes, a blue mini jacket, a teal rich girl dress, ocean blue leggings, and dark blue heels, her name is Aqua Melody, together they are the Flying Embers.

They are the most popular girls in the school and they didn't care about who they're bullying, just as long as it's fun, Rainbow Dash didn't know them and wondered how they're calling her Crash for some reason.

Rainbow Dash: "Um, who are you girls, and do I know you?"

Gilda: "Sadly no, you barley don't notice us."

Lightning Dust: "Also we heard that your parents died due to some mysterious man."

Aqua Melody: "*Laughing* I still can't believe that your parents were murdered by protecting sweet and weak Rainbow Crash."

Rainbow Dash was a little bit hurt by the fact that she meant her parents, she also hasn't been bullied before, she was always the awesome one.

Aqua Melody: "Aw what's wrong are you gonna cry!?"

Rainbow Dash: "No I'm not."

Aqua Melody: "Well that's good, my name is Aqua Melody, and these are my friends Gilda and Lightning Dust, we're the most popular girls in this school called the Flying Embers."

Lightning Dust: "We saw you hanging with our hero Soarin Skies, we're huge fans of his."

Gilda: "And we're not gonna let a loser like you steal him from us."

The girls laughed which gave Rainbow Dash almost something to make her tears fall down she slowly backed away from them, but then she slipped on a slippery substance of water and got hit in a pile of food, and the girls kept laughing harder while taking photos of her.

Gilda: "*Laughing* OMG!! That is so going on my favorite pictures."

Lightning Dust: "*Laughing* Yeah! For someone who's awesome you sure are clumsy."

Aqua Melody: "*Laughing* I actually don't feel bad for your parents being murdered by a mysterious man because they were trying to protect someone so weak and pathetic like you!!"

That was it, she couldn't take it anymore so she ran away in her messed up look and ran off in tears, what they didn't know was that Soarin saw the whole thing and decided to try and run after her.

Soarin: "Rainbow Dash wait!"

Then Aqua grabbed his arm to make sure that he doesn't escape.

Aqua Melody: "Come on Soarin, do you want to sit by us for lunch?"

Soarin felt annoyed by these girls already and pulled his arm away from Aqua and ran after Rainbow Dash.

Lightning Dust: "I wonder what's got into our hero?"

Gilda: "He's probably playing hard to get, and we like boys who play hard to get."

Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash, she ran into one of the halls and started crying on what she just heard.

Rainbow Dash: "*Crying* Why would they say that stuff to me, I didn't do any wrong nothing!!"

Soarin: "Rainbow Dash are you ok?"

He then saw a lot of food on her clothes and was so mad that those girls did that to her.

Soarin: "C'mon, let's go to the nurse."

So Rainbow Dash and Soarin went to the nurse to clean her up, what they didn't know was that Aqua and her friends, Gilda and Lightning Dust saw the whole thing and were jealous.

Aqua Melody: "How dare she!! We were the ones that were supposed to have Soarin, not that snot louse!!!"

Gilda: "C'mon let's get out of here, I don't think I can stand being with her."

Lightning Dust: "Me too."

So the Flying Embers went back to the cafeteria, what they didn't know was that they might not get what they deserved in the end.

My Little pony equestria girls belongs to Hasbro 

To be continued. . .

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