A trip down memory lane and comfort

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Later after school, Rainbow Dash went to Soarin's house for a visit, and when she got there she noticed a faint blush on Cloudswirl's face while she was reading.

Rainbow Dash: "Cloudswirl? Are you okay?"

Cloudswirl then snapped out of her thoughts and closed her book, although she can't hide her blush because it was turning bright red.

Cloudswirl: "*Blush* Oh hey Rainbow, What's up?"

Rainbow Dash: "I was about to head upstairs to see Soarin when I noticed you were blushing."

Cloudswirl: "*Blush* Me?! Blushing!?! Who said I was blushing!?!"

Rainbow Dash: "Um, you do know I can clearly see the red on your face, right?"

Cloudswirl didn't even know which excuse she would want to use, and now she decided to just tell the truth.

Cloudswirl: "Alright you win Rainbow, the truth is I..I.. have a crush on Sharpshooter."

Rainbow Dash: "Aw, that's so adorable, you know, you should always hang out with my brother, he's a really nice person."

Cloudswirl: "Thanks Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash then went upstairs to Soarin's bedroom and saw him looking at a photo album of him and his family.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey Soarin."

Soarin: "Oh hey Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash: "Whatcha looking at?"

Soarin: "Just some old photos of me and my family."

Rainbow Dash: "That's cool, can I look at some?"

Soarin: "Sure."

He then turn to the page of him when he was born and saw him in a blue blanket in the photo.

Rainbow Dash: "Is that you?"

Soarin: "Yup, this is the photo of me when I was born."

Rainbow Dash: "You looked so cute back then."

Soarin then turned to a page of his 1st year birthday and memories of his birthday presents.

Soarin: "And this was me on my first birthday."

Rainbow Dash: "Wow, you looked so adorable back before Cloudswirl was born."

Soarin then turned the page and saw the picture of when Cloudswirl was born, she was wrapped in a purple blanket and had her hair down.

Rainbow Dash: "And this must be when you first met Cloudswirl."

Soarin: "Yeah, we've spent a lot of good memories of after she was born, me and family even had fun a lot, but then..."

Soarin then turned to a page he wouldn't want to look at, it was a page of a newspaper that said:  The Murder Of Lightning Bolt and Swift Breeze.

Rainbow Dash was then horrified by the scene of Soarin's parents and how they died and she could see the sadness in Soarin's eyes that he misses his parents so much.

Rainbow Dash: "You really miss your parents, don't you?"

Soarin: "*Sigh* Yeah, it was 8 years ago, we were having a nice party to celebrate my victory of winning the soccer game, when later a strange man came up and killed my parents because he was jealous of them for being so happy while he wasn't."

Rainbow Dash: "I'm really sorry about your loss Soarin."

Soarin: "I know, after that I felt like I don't belong in Cloudsdale city, so me and my family saved up enough money for me and my sister to go here."

The death of Rainbow Dash's parentsWhere stories live. Discover now