Soarin meets Sharpshooter

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After Sharpshooter stopped his tears he then started to go outside to clear his mind, then he saw someone playing soccer, it was Soarin and watching him was Cloudswirl.

Sharpshooter thought they might be fun to hang out with ever since he left to go to college so he then decided to go stop and say hi.

Sharpshooter: "Hey there I heard you're the new students who got into my sister's school."

Soarin and Cloudswirl then stopped playing soccer and decided to talk to him and say hi.

Soarin: "Yep, we actually got transferred here a few days ago, and who are you?"

Sharpshooter: "My name is Sharpshooter, I'm Rainbow Dash's older brother."

Cloudswirl: "Wow we didn't know that Rainbow Dash was your sister, anyways my name is Cloudswirl, and this is my brother Soarin."

Soarin: "Nice to meet you, so you wanna play soccer with us?"

Sharpshooter: "Sure, I did got back here to see my family when I was done with sports college."

Sharpshooter then remembered that he and Rainbow Dash don't have any parents anymore because of what happened when he read her diary.

Sharpshooter: "But when I got there, I notice that my parents were just gone."

Soarin and Cloudswirl then remembered what happened and started feeling sad too since they were at the funeral.

Soarin: "Yeah, your sister told me that they were murdered by being shot by a mysterious man that wanted their daughter."

Cloudswirl: "After that we couldn't help but feel bad for your sister while you were still away, and besides we know what it's like to lose someone you love just we like when our parents died when we were kids."

Sharpshooter was shocked that the 2 teenagers went through all that pain since they were kids and felt bad for them.

Sharpshooter: "I'm sorry for your loss guys, I feel really bad for you right now."

Soarin: "Nah, it's fine anyways do you want to hang out for a little while."

Sharpshooter: "Sure, I have nothing else to do so I guess I can hang out with you."

After a few hours of hanging out it was now time for them to go back to home.

Sharpshooter: "So, you guys are gonna be busy?"

Soarin: "Yep, I have some notes I need to put in for social studies."

Cloudswirl: "I have a math lesson to study for."

Sharpshooter: "And for me, I got some runs I need to do, and to find a job."

Soarin: "Well see you tomorrow."

Sharpshooter: "Bye Guys, I'll see you tomorrow too."

So then what had just happened was the start of a new friendship and some new connections, Little do they know was that they will encounter some new enemies on the way.

My Little pony equestria girls belongs to Hasbro 

To be continued. . .

The death of Rainbow Dash's parentsWhere stories live. Discover now