Soarin's comfort

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After Soarin heard Rainbow Dash's lullaby to Thunder Skies, he went inside the music room with his guitar and went inside the classroom.

When he went inside, he saw Rainbow Dash still crying after what happened at the cafeteria with one of her secrets exsposed to the entire school, he then walked up to Rainbow Dash and sat beside her.

Soarin: "Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash then stopped crying and looked at Soarin with tears still in her magenta eyes.

Rainbow Dash: "S-Soarin?"

Soarin: "Thank goodness I found you, I was looking everywhere for you, and then when founded you I saw you singing a lullaby to Thunder."

Rainbow Dash then felt more tears coming out because of how much she misses him.

Rainbow Dash: "I just still can't believe that my past was read to the entire school."

Soarin: "Listen, I know what Aqua did was terrible, but you got to at least make sure it doesn't get the best of you."

Rainbow Dash: "You don't have to support me every time, I feel like I don't deserve it."

Soarin: "What, don't say that, of course you still deserve some comfort, Sure I was shocked about what happened but still."

Rainbow Dash: "You really think so?"

Soarin: "Yes, I do."

Rainbow Dash then thought about it and he was right, but still she was still sad about losing her first best friend.

Rainbow Dash: "*Tearing up* Oh Soarin, I'm so sorry for not telling you about my past, I wanted to but I was so scared on what you'll think of me."

Soarin: "Listen, none of this was your fault, it was Aqua's, she went too far on telling the truth when you weren't ready."

Rainbow Dash: "I know but what I don't get is why are people wanting to hurt me this bad when I obviously didn't do anything to them?"

Soarin: "I don't know Rainbow Dash, I mean you don't deserve to be bullied like that."

Rainbow Dash then kept crying because of the painful memories of not only her best friend, but the times that she's been bullied.

Rainbow Dash: "*Crying* Why? Why did this have to happen? I did nothing to them and they still bully me? Why do people have to always make me look like I'm the bad guy!?"

Soarin felt really bad for her that she's put into all this pain for the past weeks, so he then hugged her while wiping some tears off.

Soarin: "It's Okay Rainbow, I know everything is going to be fine."

Rainbow Dash: "*Crying* But what if it doesn't? In fact thanks to what happened back at lunch, now everyone is going to hate me, including my friends."

Soarin was shocked and angry at the same time, First was that he was shocked that Rainbow Dash thinks that everyone will hate her when a lot of people already liked her, and he was angry because of what Aqua did was just unforgivable and too far.

Soarin: "Hate you? No they would never hate you, I know you deserve some comfort and friendship from everyone."

Soarin then let go of the hug and smiled as he wiped off the tears that were on her cheek.

Soarin: "Besides, what I do know is that no matter what happens, I'll always be with you, and I promise I won't let go of that promise."

Soarin then got out his guitar and began to play music and began to sing one of his songs in music class.

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