TMNT Scenarios: When you're on your PERIOD!!! XD Donnie

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You laid on your bed, playing Pokemon White on your DS, when you heard your phone ring for the tenth time in just a few minutes! You groaned and grabbed it, declining the call. You then shut off your phone and threw it on the floor. Once you were satisfied you weren't going to be bothered, you went back to playing your game.


Donnie groaned loudly and slammed his face onto the desk. "What the shell is going on with Y/n?" He said aloud. "Maybe you could track her phone." Mikey yelled from the living room. Donnie gasped and quickly booted up his computer. "Mikey, you're a genius!!" He yelled out as he began tracking down your phone. Right when the loading bar loaded up all the way, an ERROR screen appeared. "ERROR, the phone you are trying to track is turned off." The computer's robotic voice said. Donnie let out a loud yell and quickly grabbed his boe staff just in case.


You switched places to the living room and turned on the tv. You grabbed went into the kitchen and grabbed some leftover pizza, and figured you'd eat it cold. (I eat it like that ok? Ik I'm weird... -.-) When you sat back down, you grabbed your heating pad and channel surfed. You noticed Gravity Falls was on, so you left the channel on as you ate your pizza. Suddenly, there was a tapping on your window. You groaned and went to opened it. When you did, you saw Donnie's face right up against the glass. "Ahh!" You yelled out and fell on the floor. "Y/n! Are you okay?" You sighed and got back up to open the window. Donnie crawled inside and dusted himself off before speaking. "Y/n. What the shell is going on with you?! I've been calling you all day and you just sent me to voice mail. And when I tried tracing your phone, it was shut off. What the shell?!?" He yelled, and you noticed a distinct pinch in his skin. Kinda like in anime's. You giggled. You went over and put your hand on his shoulder. "Donnie, I'm...well, I'm not great or anything, but I'm just feeling upset great. I'm sorry I made you worry, but thanks for thinking of me." You said with a kind smile. Donnie felt a growing blush ignite, and his heart grow heavy. "Who am I kidding?... how could I stay mad at an angel like you." You blinked and took a small step back. "W-what?" Donnie snapped out of his trance and spoke. "D-did I say that out loud?" You nodded. His eyes drooped down to the floor and let off a sad smile. "Well, I guess cats outta the bag with this one." "Huh? What do you m- MMMPH!"

When you woke up this morning, the last thing you thought was gonna happen was DONATELLO KISSING YOU!!! You were far too shocked to respond until Donnie pulled away, a sad smile on his face. "I'm sorry y/n, I know that there's no shot of you liking me, but I feel like you have the right to know..." he said, before turning to the window to leave. "Wait! Donnie! You're wrong!" You yelled out as you grabbed his hand. He looked at you, with a spark of curiosity and hope. You smiled at him and kissed him right on his little beak. x3 You looked him in the eyes, which that alone was an achievement. "I like you too. You're so nice to me, so smart, so adventurous and you work harder than anyone I've ever met. I'm sorry I didn't call you back but..." "But what?" He asked as he held both of your hands. "I'm on my period..." You said with a slight giggle. "Ohhhhhhhhh........" He said, and you smiled. You took his hand and pulled him over to the couch. You sat him down gently and spoke in a determined tone. "Alright, you stay here, and I'll go get you some pizza and a bath. Cause, no offense, but you stink..." You said with a giggle and ran off to the kitchen. "W-wait! Don't you think I should be taking care of you since you're sick?" "Mmmm, nope~!" You said and continued onwards.

The END!

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