Raph x Depressed Reader: Being Normal

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Raph was punching at the helpless bag that hung from the ceiling. He eventually stopped as his arms had gotten tired. He exited the dojo and went all around the lair to look for Y/n. But after doing a clean sweep of the whole place, there was no sign of the young girl/boy. He sighed dramatically.

You were in your apartment alone... again. You had parents, but they were either to busy with work or booze to bother to care for you. You sniffled as you cried. You were curled up in a little ball on the floor of your room. Your back up against the door as you were sobbing to the point you were practically screaming. But at one point, you were broken off by a gentle tapping on your continued

Raph hopped from roof to roof when he finally got to your apartment. Raph noticed your curtains were closed, which was extremely odd. Why did you have your curtains down? He looked through the crack in the curtains and saw complete darkness. No light? This was starting to freak him out. But the nail in the coffin was a distinct sound of sobbing and screaming. It terrified Raph. He knew about panic attacks and he knew that he had to approach this delicately.

You wiped away your tears and kept crying quietly. The tapping continued. You sighed and went over to the window to open up the curtains. You nearly jumped when you saw Raph. You sighed and opened the window. "What is it, Raph?" "Where have you been?" "What do you mean?" "It's not like you to not show up to the Lair at least once a day. Or even text." You grew silent. "Is something happening at school? At home?" You sighed and began to spill your thoughts."

"I've been trying to get A-B honor roll for the whole semester, but this ONE class has been holding me back. I've honestly been thinking about just doing book work on it instead of participating. It sucks. Everyone at school either talks to me for my looks or just avoids me completely. I don't want to be ignored or hated for being different. I... I already see myself as a monster in some way. I act different and I almost act scary to some. I don't always cover my face with makeup, I don't wear slutty skirts for attention. I don't act like the norm. So people don't like me."

When you fell silent, Raph made a simple gesture that took you by complete surprise. He held out his arms awkwardly. You felt hot tears fall again and you threw yourself into his arms so hard that you nearly threw him off balance. Raph petted your back when he saw something that caught his eye. "Is that red hair dye?" "Hm?" You turned around and saw what he was talking about. "Y-yeah, I was going to dye my hair red... but I chickened out last minute." "Well? How about we give you some new confidence... with a new hair color?" You looked at Raph, stunned for a moment. You then smiled. "I'd like that." Before leaning in and kissing his right on his nose. He turned fifty shades of red and you laughed. "You're so cute, Raph." He then chuckled. "ARight back at ya, sweetheart."

The End

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