Chapter 1

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The day I met you was a day that I would never replace. The first day I see your dazzling green eyes. The first day I had feelings for someone. The first day I saw your comforting smile that gleamed towards me.

I didn't smile back. I stared at your jaw-dropping, adorable face, and your magnificent golden blonde hair.

I didn't figure out your name until the next year.


"Ashlyn! Get up!" My mom said with anger. Oh shoot! I'm late! I say in my head while hearing my moms footsteps moving up the stairs, getting louder. I rushed out of my bed and opened the door to see my mom. She was furious with me. Being late to the bus isn't bad. Why are you so angry with me?

"I'm sorry! I was trying to extra sleep!" I say, begging for forgiveness, "I guess I slept passed my alarm clock."

Today is my first day of high school. I'm now a freshman. I've waited for this day for my entire life. My two closest friends, Aria and Radrika. We're all starting high school together. Just thinking about homecoming, making friends, boyfriends - not that any of us would have boyfriends. Only in our dreams.

I put on a black shirt with white stripes. I wore some blue jean shorts with the color of blue that perfectly matched my shirt. I wore tennis shoes - specifically Nike. And I wore mascara on my green eyes, and put lip gloss on my thick, perfect lips. What did I do with my hair? Well, I straightened my brownish - goldish hair.

I spiritually walked down the stairs. I couldn't tell if I was nervous or excited for my first day. I opened the cabinet and pulled out some Frosted Flakes. They sure are GR-R-REAT! I poured them into my white bowl, and some milk -obviously. For your information, I do pour my cereal before my milk. I'm not one of those people. I take it as a roast if people call others "milk before cereal".

Anyway, I grabbed a spoon and started wolfing down my delicious GR-R-REAT Frosted Flakes. I had to go out for the bus at 6:20 am. And the time was 6:19. I raced to the sink to wash my bowl.

"I'll get that, honey!" my mother says.

"Thanks mom!" I say, thanking her. I rushed to put on my blue jacket, and backpack. I came out the door and the bus was coming down the street. I ran to my bus stop, on time. I slowly walked on the bus out of breath. I walked towards the back and sat down in an open seat. Behind me, sat a nice-looking boy that looked familiar. I ignored it and looked out the window as we continued around the neighborhood.

My friend, Radrika finally came on and I waved to her. Her reaction time was slow, so she saw me for a split second, then sat down. She then realized that she just saw me. It was one of those moments when everyone slaps their foreheads with their palms. She then quickly got back up and came back laughing at herself. She sat down next to me and laughed together.

"I thought for a second that you wouldn't sit next to me!" I say while cracking up.

"I'm a little slow this morning!" Radrika says.

"I can surely tell!" I respond back. I'm calming down now.

"Are you ready for high school?" Radrika asked me.

"Kind of. Nervous, but excited." I respond.

"I am for sure not ready, I really don't want to be carrying around my bass clarinet everywhere." She says with a laugh. I laugh with her. We both ride the bus in silence until Aria's stop. She got on and she saw us right away. She made a silly creepy face when she did.

"I knew you guys would be in the back." She says.

"We all are proud of ourselves to be high schoolers now." I say. We all sat in one seat, although we were all almost fully grown. We all were playing our favorite game - Subway Surfers. I am the worst at playing, and I'm pretty sure I have the lowest high score of the three of us.

"No!" Radrika lightly screamed, "I died again! I am the crustiest of the crabs!"

"What?" Aria questioned, as both of us turn to her at the same time with a confused face.

Around 7:20, we all got off our bus to go into the school. We were all walking side by side to each other, then we stopped right in front of the doors. We stared at the seniors, juniors, and sophomores. We didn't see any freshman.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask.

"Just walk in. This isn't a movie or anything." Aria ruins the fun. She pushes through the doors and Radrika and I look at each other. We both walk in and split apart.

"Bye." We all say together.

"Good luck." I say to both Radrika and Aria. They both turn and smile at me.

"You too!" Aria says. We all went to our locker and I didn't know what to bring to my first class. I just brought a pencil. I had social studies with Mrs. Schaffer, Aria had art with Mrs. Grey, and Radrika had English with Mrs. Heagen. We all had math and lunch together though. That's a good thing.

I walked into the classroom and I didn't recognize anyone. I sat down right in the middle of the classroom. I don't like sitting anywhere on the outside, and I don't know why.

"Hello class." Mrs. Schaffer slowly says in a deep voice. Now I know that she is the teacher that everyone thinks is weird. Or some people's le think she's funny.

"I am Mrs. Schaffer, your social studies teacher. She started explaining the classroom rules and where stuff is, and all that. But I wasn't paying attention about three seconds in, because there was a boy staring at me. I slowly turn my head, and stare at him back. He's the guy who sat behind me on the bus. He couldn't keep his eyes off me. And I couldn't keep mine off his eyes. He waves with a charming smile. I wave back. His name is Edward Mace.

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