Chapter 30

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That Saturday, I woke up with a spider on my wall. It scared me so hard, it made me fall off my bed. I took the covers down with me. I went to go grab some toilet paper from the bathroom. I came back in and stood up on my chair to go...I guess...kill it. I look at my clock and it's 12:00! It's noon! I told Edward and Haylee that they could come over at 12:00! Well I had to get rid of the spider first.

I go to grab it and crunch it up, but I couldn't do it. Not because I thought it was cute. I mean, it's the biggest and scariest spider I've ever seen in my life. Anyway, I couldn't do it because it was scary. I think it was a mommy spider carrying its babies on its back. I would feel evil if I killed all of them. That's just terrible.

At that point, I just stood there hesitating what to do. Maybe I could go get a cup? Then I could put it over the spider. Maybe I could tape the cup into the wall and leave it there until it dies. That's a good idea!

I quickly run down the stairs and quickly grab a cup from the cupboard. I run back up the stairs and I almost trip on my way up. Oh crap I need the tape. I run back down the stairs, and run down the stairs to the basement. I open the door to the storage area and grab a roll of duct tape. I run back up the two flights of stairs, get ready to cover the - OH MY GOD!!! Where did it go!?!? I'm freaking out right now! Uhhh...what do I do now? It couldn't have gone very far.

I tip-toe across my room, trying to be cautious. I don't want the spider jumping at me. I look behind my dresser and book shelf. No sign of it. I still tip-toe across my room and find it right above me on the ceiling.

Oh no. Ewww! It's crawling! That's the weirdest movement of spider legs I've ever seen. This is my chance! Time to cover it with the cup! I put the duct tape roll around my wrist and grab my chair. I pull it so I could stand right below the spider.

I stand on it and slowly extend my legs. I slowly raise my arm with the cup, and BAM!!! I missed. I hit one of the legs and it falls from the ceiling. It lands on my shirt. OH MY GOD!!!

"AHHHHH!!!!" I let out a wild scream and race downstairs to get a paper towel or something. I run into the kitchen and don't know what to do. I stand there with loud panting and happily find the spider. IT'S ON MY FACE!!! OH MY GOD!!!!

I run and grab another cup from the cupboard, and fill it with water. I pour it on my head and instantly regret it. I shake my body around and try to find it. Ewww. It's dead on the floor.

I leave the spider there and go into the bathroom to look at how bad my left-on makeup was. Of course. My mascara is dripping from my face. I look like some possessed girl that's about to murder someone. And my hair's a mess! That makes me look like the girl from The Rings. Just with non-perfect hair. Then I hear the doorbell. Oh crap! I totally forgot about Edward and Haylee. What do I do?

I turn on the sink and put my fingers under the water. I try to wipe off the mascara, but it just smeared! This is just getting worse and worse. The doorbell rings again. Ok fine. I have to answer it. I run and grab a paper bag from the living room.

"I'm coming!" I say and grab scissors and cut out some eye holes. I run up to the door and look through the peep-hole. It's Edward. Oh lord. I open it and look down.

"Welcome to my humble home!" I say and back away from the door to give him space to walk in.

"Uhhh..." He starts, but I cut him off.

"I know. I'm wearing a bag on my head. I'm aware of it. There's just been a little incident." I close the door and lock it. We walk into the kitchen.

"What kind of incident?" He takes off the bag. "Oh my god! What happened?" He laughs, "you look like the girl from The Rings!" Told you.

"I said I had an incident." I quickly grab the bag and throw it out.

"Is that a spider? It's huge!" He spots it. Great.

"I'm gonna go get ready. Make yourself at home." I say as I cover my face and run upstairs. "Oh! And do you mind taking care of the spider? That would mean a lot!"

Edward sighs, "fine."

"Thanks!" I run back up the stairs. I run into my room and instantly grab my makeup remover. It's the wipe kind. I look into my mirror and wipe it off. Thank the lords! It came off so quick. Then I grab my brush and brush out my hair. So much better! Then I decide to reapply my makeup. I put on some mascara. This time I'll wear water proof and take it off before I go to bed. Of course, that's the only makeup I wear. Now I need to change my shirt it's soaking wet. I change into this camo t-shirt. Looking good!

I walk back down the stairs and see Edward laying on my couch watching TV. What the? Well I did tell him to make himself at home. Did he take care of the spider? Yes he did. I'm so proud!

"Did Haylee come yet?" I ask.

"Nope. I don't even know if she's coming." Great.

"Well, we could start without her, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'll help if you get it ready." He gives me these adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He's so cute. I pull out some cookie trays, some cooking spray, and my phone to follow the recipe.

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