Chapter 14

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"Hello?" Mr. France says. I just look down at my sweating hands.

"What were you guys doing?" He asks again.

"I was using the restroom." Daniel says.

"Really? That made you a minute and a half late?" Daniel nods his head. Mr, France turns to Edward. "How about you?" What is he going to say? I'm nervous.

"Somebody wanted to speak with me privately outside." Edward swallows.

"Who?" This isn't going to end very good. Is he going to say who. Edward moves his eyes towards mine, then back to Mr. France.

"Ariana Sheats." He says. He said it. Mr. France has that look on his face that doesn't look too good.

"I will have to call her down now." Mr. France gets up and tells the people in the main office to send Ariana down.

"Right away, sir." A woman says. Mr. France sits back down and looks at me. I reposition myself and make the best posture I can have.

"What about you, Miss Davis?" He asks me. I start to fidget with my hands and look down at the floor.

"I saw Edward pass the doors and I followed in curiosity." I say with my voice quaking. Mr. France stares at me with anger and disappointment.

"How about I give all three of you a two hour detention after school today for leaving the building. I'll email your parents." Wow. Even better. A two hour detention? How fun.

A few minutes of silence pass as Mr. France emails our parents, and Ariana walks in. She gives me a death stare. I smile back and scrunch my eyebrows together. She sits in the chair next to Daniel. She looks at him from head to toe, and rolls her eyes. Daniel looks at Edward and raises his eyebrows several times, while giving the "I think she digs me" look. She obviously doesn't. Poor Daniel.

"Edward told me that you had to speak to him privately," Ariana looks nervous, "what was so important that you had to pull him out of the school?" She hides the truth. She has to get into trouble.

"When was this? I'm not sure if I remember." She acts like little miss precious.

"Today. Just a few minutes ago." Mr. France looks annoyed with her, but it seems like he's 'taking her side.'

"Oh yeah," she looks at Daniel, "I was asking him about. Um." Busted. She's not going to come up with anything good enough.

"I was asking about Ashlyn." Oh gosh. Don't bring me into this! Well she just did.

Mr. France looks over at me. "Oh really?" He says. He looks back at Ariana.

"Why would you have to bring him outside for this?" He looks deeply into her eyes.

"Well, I didn't want Ashlyn to hear, because I know that her and Edward hang out a lot," she starts, "I was asking if she was okay. I've been thinking if she's been having some problems." She looks at me. Really? That's the best she could come up with. Mr. France looks at me.

"Have you been having some problems?" Mr. France asks. Ok, here's the problem: if I say yes, then no 'war' will be started. If I say no, then a 'war' will be started. What I mean by 'war' is Ariana will start lying even more, and I'll probably just try to tell the truth, then Ariana would say I'm lying, and so on. So what am I going to say?

"No. Of course not." I'm terrible at this. I said it in a tone where it was like I was lying.

"It seems like you're lying, Miss Davis." Mr. France looks at me. I stare at the floor.

"I won't get into your business, Miss Davis," He gets out of his chair, "But I will send you four to detention after school today. For two hours." I wish to roll my eyes, but not in front of Mr. France. The four of us get up and return to class. Daniel, Edward, and I walk back down to Mr. Burris' room. We don't speak a single word to each other. I open the door and the class is talking about how to make good decisions. I already missed the first half of the chapter.

Mr. Burris sees us walk in, and doesn't hesitate to keep talking. He doesn't say a word to us. We take our seats and watch him talk about stress. I'm so lucky I missed the first half, considering that I am currently stressed. And if you didn't notice, that was sarcasm. Pure sarcasm.

"Now, lets talk about the decisions we make." Mr. France stares at me. Right in the eye.

"Example, if you were going to a really important class, and you had the decision to go to it, or to goof off with friends instead. The good decision would be to go to class," oh boy, here we go, "and the bad decision would be to goof off with friends." The face that Mr. Burris was giving me was saying, "oh my gosh! Beckey! Listen to me!" Then he would do the Z snapping thing.

For the rest of the period, I tried avoiding eye contact with Mr. Burris. I just stared at the board or the floor the whole time. As soon as the bell rang, I rushed up and out of the door to get out of the torture. But when I walked out of the door, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see that it was Edward.

"Sorry that I got you into trouble." He says. Awww. What a sweetheart. He's so cute. It wasn't even his fault.

"That's alright. I was the one who was curious about it." I say. We laugh and stare into each other's eyes.

Daniel comes up from behind and says, "What's up my dudes?" He says. No one answers.

"Daniel," Edward says, "go away." He leaves without saying anything.

"Anyway. I wanted to ask you something." Oh my lord. A date? This is the time! This is the time I've waited for since I first saw him!

"Yeah?" I says with a little bit of an excited tone.

"So there's a festival downtown, and," oh boy! Here is comes! "I was wondering," say it, "if you wanted," wanted what? "to go with me?" He ends the sentence with a question and I smile. I can't get words out of my mouth. Oh my lord! My face is frozen with a smile.

I finally break with frozen face, "I'd love to!" I say a little loud.

"This Saturday. I'll pick you up at 7:00." He says with the charming smile.

"Cool." I say. He walks down to his locker. I smile and laugh as I watch him walk away. I look over and see Radrika.

"What is that face for?" She asks.

"Edward just asked me out to the festival this weekend!" We both scream in high-pitched voices.

"And you said yes?" She asks.

"And I said yes!" I scream a little more.

Radrika gasps, "We need to get you ready on Saturday. When is he picking you up?"

"7:00." I say.

"I'll be at your house at 2:00!" She runs in a blast. 2:00? Five hours before? I hope it's not going to take that long.

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