Chapter 36

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Squealing at the top of my lungs, Edward jumps over me, I duck, and he causes a huge splash. I come up above the water and wait for him to come up. He pops up and wears that super cute smile. Then he runs his fingers through his hair and pushes it back. I'm not drooling, am I?

"Let's see if I can make you sound like a chicken." He says in his sexy voice. Oh my gosh. What's next? "Turn around," oh boy. I slowly turn my body and squished my arms into my chest, bracing myself. I hear him take a deep breath and go underwater. I feel my pulse rise. He grabs my ankles and he lifts me up in the chicken fight position.  I let out a big scream, like a chicken. I get it the joke now!

"Chicken fight!" Thomas yells while some other guy, that I don't know, raises him from the water.

"I did not intend to do this." Edward says.

" I won't blame ya." I calmly say and put my hands on his head. Everyone cheers. We slowly move closer to each other. I put my hands up and make claws. He does the same.

"Ohh! You're going down!!" He says creepily.

"I don't think so!" Edward says, "get 'em, chicken!" Awww! He just called me chicken! Wait. He just called me chicken. Anyway, I go to grab his arms and push him off. But it ends up like we're high-fiving each other. Now we're just holding hands...ew.

"Come on! You got this!" Aria comes in. Here's what I'm thinking: Yeah! Beat that little shit! Ok brain!

"A little closer, please!" I say and Edward does so. I push as hard as I can and push him off backwards. I throw my hands in the air as everyone around, except Thomas, cheers. I look over and see Aria screaming for me. I'm sorry, but this is just a chicken fight. People shouldn't be screaming about this.

"I'm next!" Aria says. There's a line? Just kidding! This is fun! Thomas comes over.

"3...2...1...chickens!" He says and signals us to go. Aria and I do the same thing Thomas and I did...grab hands. We both push as hard as we can.

"Do you go to the gym or something?" I say as I struggle.

"Yup." She says and pushes me backwards. I fall back into the water and hear everyone cheer, but it's distant. I come up and throw my hair back. I see Edward clapping and smiling...the same gorgeous smile.

"That was amazing!" He says and puts his hand on my shoulder. I laugh.

"What's next?" I ask.

"Well, let's see what you got on the diving board." Thomas says. Really? Is this revenge for being beaten by a girl? Not a very good comeback. Anyway, I walk up the stairs of the pool and up to the board. I go to the edge and hop a few little times.

"What should I do?" I ask and take my arms off my sides.

"Can you do a flip?" Edward shouts. Oh boy. Haven't done one of those in awhile. But I can manage...I think. I face forward and take a few deep breaths. I swing my arms and up and down. As I get used to the feeling, I just go. I don't exactly tuck in my legs, but I do grab my ankles. Then I let go at the last second. What I mean by that is I let go while facing the water. My stomach smacks the top of the pool. FUCK!! That hurt! I slowly sink down as I cover my stomach because of the pain. Then my butt touches the bottom and I push down on the floor with my feet. My head comes above the surface, and I breath in the air.

"You alright?" Edward asks. Woah, he was at the other side of the pool, now he's right here. Anyway, I look up, with the sunshine in the background. Awww. He's literally so cute! I need to stop. My eyes focus on him and his eyes are just...they're just...they're just looking at me. Oh my gosh! Is this one of those moments?

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