Chapter 2

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"That's all I have for you today." Mrs. Schaffer finishes. The bell rings and everyone gets up.

"Good luck on the rest of your day." Mrs. Schaffer tells everyone, although no one listened. I walked to my second period, then noticing that Edward was following me. I walked into Mr. Bridges class, my math teacher. Edward was still behind me walking into the class. Is he in my math class too? I saw Radrika and Aria sitting together. They both waved their hands in the air. I waved back and sat next to them.

"Who's that guy who walked in behind you? Your boyfriend?" Radrika starts to make fun of me.

"No!" I say quietly, "He was in my last class too. He is kinda cute, don't you think?"

"Yeah. Sure." Aria says sarcastically.

"Whatever." I say.

Mr. Bridges walks in and says, "Good morning everyone." No one answers.

"Let's try that again. Good morning everyone."

"Good morning." Everyone says while moaning.

"How is everyone's first day?" Mr. Bridges asks.

"Good." A couple people say.

"I am Mr. Bridges, your math teacher." He talks about the same thing as Mrs. Schaffer did.


The rest of the day went well. I sat with Radrika and Aria at lunch. It was fun. The three of us walked onto the bus and sat in the back. I sat on the outside. The bus driver never gave assigned seats, so I'm happy for that. And I'm not so sure about this Edward guy. He came on the bus and smiled at me. I kindly smiled and waved back. He sat behind us and he tapped on my shoulder.

I turned and he said, "I never got your name today. I'm Edward." He lets out his hand and makes that same charming smile.

"I'm Ashlyn." I introduce myself and shake his hand. His hand was warm, but not sweaty. Just warm. He was cute. I turn back to face forward in my seat, and feel my face blush. Radrika, Aria, and I were playing Subway Surfers again. The bus ride was like that the whole time. I got a new height score of 354,314. I was so proud of myself. Edward got off the bus.

"Have a good day!" He said to me.

"You too!" I say back. Edward lives in the neighborhood about a mile away from mine. When the bus driver pulled into my neighborhood, I got my stuff ready to exit the bus.

"Bye Ashlyn!" Aria says.

"Bye bye y'all." I say back. I realized it was a weird thing to say, so I walked off the bus with an awkward face. I walked into my house, and there was my mom.

"Hey honey! How was your first day?" She asked.

"Good," I say, "as usual." I didn't have any homework, but I did have paperwork for my mom or dad to fill out. I gave them to my mom and I went up to my room. I sat at my desk next to my window, looking out. Right outside my window, is the roof over my kitchen, then there was a deck that was lead up from stairs. That's a thing that I like about my room, because if there's a fire or something like that, I can get out very easily. I sometimes like to go out there on the roof, and stare at the stars or clouds.


It was 9:20 pm, and I was already getting tired. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I went into my bed and turned on my electric blanket. I thought about Edward, and where our relationship would go. I wondered if he liked me back. I don't know him very much, but I'm sure that he's not too bad of a guy. He seems nice, and friendly. I slowly fall into a deep sleep, and a good rest.

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