Chapter 27

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The three of us walk down to the office.

"So, where are we going? And what are we going to do?" Edward asks.

"We are going to the main office. I want to figure out if we were right about Emma being in that car. It was kind of suspicious." I say as we all speed walk down the hall. We arrive at the office. The lights are on, but we see no one. I would expect some people to be in there, but nope.

"How will we find that out?" Edward asks. Good question.

"I got this key that says 'Drawers' then a dash, then 'Office'. So maybe this key will open a door that will help us find out." I say, sounding nerdy. I don't like this nerdy tone. I hate it.

I pull on the door handle to make sure it was unlocked - it was. I close it and turn to Haylee.

"Haylee," I whisper, "I need you to walk in there and make sure no one is in there at all. Check behind every door."

"No! This is your idea! So it's your job!" She says. She's got a point.

I groan, "fine." I slowly open the door and slip through. I push on the door and let it silently close behind me. I tip-toe behind the front desk and in front of these separate offices. Meaning, the counselors and the principals. What if Mr. France is in his office?

I run up against the wall, and slowly turn my head to look through the window of the door. The light are off. Thank God. Mr. France isn't there. Unless he is having some kind of ritual. I can kind of believe that, but I didn't see any candles. He even left the door unlocked and open. Stupid.

I slowly turn to see if Mrs. Covey was in her office. She's the vice principal. I look through the window and see her face. Oh my lord. She's on her computer, like usual.

You know what made it worse? I had to sneeze. What now? How do I sneeze without her noticing?

I try to signal Edward or Haylee that I need to sneeze and I don't know what to do. They both just shrug and let me deal with it myself. Oh gosh. Here it comes! It happened. I sneezed a good one, it felt good afterwards. And of course it was followed with a scream, as usual. And I feel like it echoed through the school. I froze and didn't know what to do. I sense Mrs. Covey getting up to see.

Edward is signaling me to go in Mr. France's office. Both him and Haylee squat to avoid being seen. I run and push open the unlocked door. Mr. France can be stupid sometimes. I squat and slowly close the door without slamming it. I hope it doesn't lock and I can't get out.

I hide against the wall, still low and heat Mrs. Covey's door open. I can hear the footsteps from her heels faint away as she searches the office. Now I'm sweating in fear.

I hear the steps getting closer. Please don't open the door! Please! She doesn't. Thank God! But you know what she does do? She packs up her stuff and leaves the school. She turns the lights off and probably locks us three in.

I get a text from Edward saying:

You alright?

I send back:

Yeah. Just let me get out of Mr. France's office and go in the "Drawers" room or whatever

I told myself to do as I told Edward over text. But there was one problem: I was locked in Mr. France's office. I sigh and text Edward:

I'm locked in here! Somehow help me!

He sends back:

How will I help!?!?

Then I say:

idk!!! I'm really freaking out right now!!!

What do we do? What do we do? What do I do? I stand in Mr. France's office, tapping my foot rapidly. I try to think of a way to get out. Then I get another text from Edward saying:

Should we go get Mrs. Crum?

Really? She'll ask how we got in this situation! I send back saying:

No! I have a better idea

I saw a key on Mr. France's desk. Really? He left the door open, and now left his key on his desk? How irresponsable can this guy be? I send a second text to Edward saying:

He left his key on his desk. I'll slip it under the door and you can unlock it for me

He send back:

Haha I'd think he'd be smart enough to bring his key with him! lol I'm coming

I hear him open the door and I hear his footsteps. I quickly slip the key under the door and he grabs it. I look at him through the window. He looks determined.

He opens the door and I say, "oh my gosh! Thank you!" I give him a big hug. I let go and stare into his eyes. How pretty. Now we need to get going! We don't want to lose time.

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