Chapter 10

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That Friday, Radrika and Aria were at my house getting our costumes on. Radrika and Aria were invited to the party and don't want to go, but they're going to help me out. They are both sitting in my room as I am in the bathroom putting on the costume. I look in the mirror, and realize that I look amazing. I look like the real Wonder Woman. I walk into my room to show them my costume.

"Awesome!" Aria says.

"You look great." Radrika says.

"Thanks guys." I say. Now it was time for the make-up. Radrika did it on me. She put on some light brown eye shadow, and some black eyeliner. She also put on some pink lipgloss.

"You're ready." Cool. I wonder what Edwards reaction is going to be. The three of us walk down the stairs and get ready to leave. I only brought my phone, which was put into a convenient pocket in the skirt. Aria drives us and we head to Edwards house.

"You guys didn't want to come? Edward said that you guys could come." I ask them.

"You're asking this now?" We were already on the road.

"You're right." I felt bad I didn't ask earlier. But I'm excited for this.

We arrive at his house around 6:30 and we can see the decorations. This is going to be a fun party.

"You guys sure you don't want to come?" I ask.

"Yeah." Aria says.

"You don't have to wear a costume." I say.

"I don't really like parties." Radrika says.

"What about you Aria?" I ask. I hope she would like to come.

"Fine." Aria hands the car keys to Radrika and we get out of the car.

"Actually, I'm going to go back home and change into my costume." Aria says.

"Ok." I say. Now I'm going to be alone for 30 minutes. Well not alone, but I won't know a lot of people.

I walk up to the front door to knock it. This is my first time knocking on his door. Aria and Radrika drive off. I hesitate to knock. One part of my mind says, You already said you could go! Now knock! And the other, What if he doesn't answer? What if there are people there that I don't like? There shouldn't be anyone there I don't like. If I like Edward, and he likes the people that he invited, then I should like them too.

I finally knock on the door. After a few seconds, I hear footsteps coming at the door. Great. Thomas Jude answers the door. He was a vampire.

"I want to suck your blood!" He says in his Dracula voice. I look down and shake my head in regret.

"Come in." He says. I walk through the door. Thomas closes the door. I see Edward. He's in the kitchen. He sees me and walks towards me.

"Fresh blood?" He still has the Dracula voice. He smiles and I see his vampire teeth. He grabs my hand and bites my arm.

"Hey!" I say.

"Ew! That was a mistake!" Now he uses his normal voice. He walks away, and flaps his cape up and down. Edward comes to me with a disgusted face.

"Sorry about him. You get used to it." I will? That's gonna take a LONG time for me to get used to that.

"Uhh," He ponders and looks around, "you made it!" We both smile.

"Yeah I did! And you're a werewolf!" He has one of those flannel shirts with the clump of hair glued behind it. He hah the sharpie-looking marks on his face to make it look like fur. What a fun costume.

"Love your costume!" I say.

"I love yours too!" He says back.

"Can I get you something to drink?" He asks me for a drink. Wow. He's so sweet.

"Yeah. Sure." I'll take it. We walk into the kitchen and people say "hello." I recognize several people. But I don't recognize the horse. Someone was wearing one of those horse masks that you put on your head. It's more like a helmet, but not a good helmet of course, because it's made of rubber. But I'll just call it a mask.

But they waved and asked, "who are we saying hello to?" It sounded like a male talking. I have no idea who it was. But his voice sounded innocent.

Edward hands me a solo cup filled with Root Beer. "I hope Root Beer is alright." He asks.

"Yeah." I say. I join everyone else at the kitchen table. I sit next to the guy in the horse mask.

"This was a mistake to wear this. I can't see a thing!" Love the costume though. He tried.

"I'm Daniel. Daniel Freedman." He puts out his hand to shake mine.

"I'm Ashlyn Davis." I say. He shakes my hand.

"Oh! You're a woman! It's pleasing to meet you!" He says.

"You too." I say. Edward puts on some music. He doesn't put on Halloween music, because not a lot of people know a lot of songs. At least the people at this party didn't. What he put on is Gangnam Style by PSY. It's such an old song, but I can dance to it.

Finally, Aria arrives. I open the door and invite her in.

"WOOHOO!!!" Aria says. I guess she really likes parties. I close the door, and grab her hand to come and dance. We walk over and she starts dancing like an idiot. She waves her arms around, acting like she's already drunk. Not saying that anyone would get drunk.

The guy in the horse mask comes over and swings around his head. Now I know that he's weird. Edward comes over and attempts to do the Gangnam Style dance. What I mean by attempts is that he tries, but fails. Miserably.

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