Chapter 40

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Okay. Where am I going? Oh look! A sign! Let's go look at it! I quickly walk down the hall, and up to the sign. Rooms 0-100 to the left, and 101-200 to the right. To the right! I turn my body and walk to the right, keeping my eyes on the board to confirm I'm going the correct way. Or the right way, if ya know what I mean. I keep walking down the hall with my hands in my pockets, and look at the room numbers that I am passing. 107. 108. 109. 110. We're getting closer. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. My heart stopped. I stopped. I took a few deep breaths. He is behind that door, I told myself. I try to boost up my confidence my telling myself, he wants you to come in. He wants to see you. I want to see him.

What am I doing? Why would he want to see me? Maybe I should've let Haylee go. He would appreciate her. Not as much me. No!

I take a few more breaths. I look to both ends of the halls, to see if anyone is coming. No one. Then I lightly jump a few times, and loosen my body a little. Oh wait. There are cameras. I feel my face turn red, then face the door.

Why can't I do this? Why is it so hard? All I'm doing is walking through a door. Well, walking through a door to see Edward. I think this is the longest time it's ever taken me to open a door, and go through it.

I put my hand on the door handle. I start to slowly apply force on it. I feel like nothing is happening because of how slow I'm doing this. I have to count down. In my head: 10. 9. 8. That's too slow. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. I open the door. I open it only enough to give my body the amount of space to slip through it. Then I close the door. I breath. My heart rate goes up. I swallow. I turn around and see him. He was wearing a white t-shirt with black shorts. His hair was greasy, but not to the point where he looked disgusting. He was on his back with his knees up, but his feet on the bed. He was still cute. He was reading a book. I squinted my eyes to try to see what he was reading. I don't know what the heck that says. He turns his head towards me, then closes the book, and keeps his eyes on me. He turns his body, and lets his legs dangle off the side of the bed. He sets the book down on a side table, still without taking his eyes off me. He sits there and looks at me.

"Ashlyn?" He quietly says. What do I do now? I look at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I-uh..." Why is it so hard for me to say something?

"Come sit." He says very calmly. He puts his hand on the bed next to him. I follow and sit next to him. I set my bag to the left of me. And to my right, it was Edward. First, I'm looking at the floor. Then I bring my head up and look into his eyes. His green, lovely eyes. The same eyes I've always looked into. It was him. But this time was different. This time, I saw a whole different part of Edward. I don't know what that feeling is, but I like it. Silence filled the room.

"Why?" I ask with words trembling. I broke that silence, and tear up. He makes a confused face. "Why did you do it?" I ask again.


"You don't just walk in front of a gun like that! You could've died!" I pause and cover my face. Has he ever seen me cry before? "And I thought you did! I thought you were gone!"

"Ashlyn. I didn't know you would-"

"Oh really! You didn't think I'd  feel sad, or worried! What were your intentions of doing that anyway?" I wipe my tears.

"I did it because I..." He pauses.

"I should've taken it! Not you!" I completely ignore what he just tried to say. "I deserve it." I calm my voice.

"Stop." He turns his body more towards mine. "Don't talk like that."

"But it's true." I look up at him. "I don't understand." My first question still hasn't been answered.

"Yeah. You don't." He wipes his eyes. I look at him with sadness. He combed his hair with his hand, and wouldn't look at me. He just stared at the floor, and with tears running down his face. I sniffle and look down.

"If you wanna know why," he starts. I look back up at him, and he looks back at me. "It's because I-" he breathes in, then out. Quietly though. He looks at me right in the eyes. "It's because I love you." I feel my mouth open a little, but don't even notice. "It might be weird for you to hear, but I had to say it. And I did." I look down at the floor. "You probably hate me now."

"No. I don't." I calmly say. "Actually, the opposite." After that, it was silent. Edward puts his hand on mine. Then I swallow. Our heads were getting closer, and closer. Next thing I know, we were kissing. Making out. He puts his other hand around my neck, then I slowly do the same. This is nice. He's better than Thomas.

"What. Is. This?" Haylee is standing at the door. I didn't even hear the door open. I push myself away from Edward. Then I look at him in the eyes. Then at Haylee. I get up from the bed.

"Listen. I can explain." I walk towards her. Then, slap! I feel her stupid hand hit right on my cheek.

"You're a stupid slut! Go home, you bitch!" She says with her finger pointing at the door. I grab my bag, and run out of the door. I stand around the corner of the room, and overhear their conversation.

"What were you doing with that slut?" I felt like my heart literally cracked when she said that.

"Don't say that!" I quietly yells. "She's better"

"Ok. I see how it is!" She lowers her voice. "We're done." She's now whispering. "We're done." As I hear her shoes hit the floor, I start running to the elevator.

"Ok! Fine!" Edward yells. Then he says other things, but I couldn't hear from where I was. I ran to the elevator, surprisingly didn't run into anyone. I quickly press the button. It opens right away. I go in and press level 1, then the close button. It closes and I impatiently wait to get to the first level. Ding! It's almost like I push the doors open myself. I just wanna get away from Haylee. As I'm going outside of the hospital, and going to my car, I keep telling myself: You're a slut! You're a slut!

I finally get to my car and unlock it. I open the door and sit in the drivers seat. I slam the door shut, as hard as I could. I rest my head on the wheel, and let out all of the held back tears that made my throat sore.

The Day We MetHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin