Chapter 22

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We finally arrive at the high school. No other stops, thank god. We all walk out of the limo and I hold Thomas' hand while still watching Edward and Haylee.

Why does this always happen to me? Why do the love gods hate me? I want to know what I did to deserve this.

It went so well at the carnival. Like he made a move. And I didn't believe Reagan about him being with Haylee. But it turns out it was true! And now it's just like feels like my heart has broken. That's it! My heart is broken! I'm sorry, I am so stupid.

We all walk into the front of the school and to the gym. There was loud music and A LOT of people dancing.

"I hope you don't mind," Thomas speaks, "but everyone that was in the limo will be everyone we'll be walking and dancing around with."

I hate it. Now I have to watch Edward fall in love with Haylee. Can't wait till' we're older and I watch them get engaged, and Thomas will invite Reagan and Owen, and everyone that was in the limo.

"Oh that's alright," No it's not, "I think they're cool." I say it like I actually thought that, but I truly didn't.

This prom was going to be a disast-HOLD ON!!!!! There's a buffet! No one told me there was a buffet! I knew there would be food, but not like this! I mean, what else would it be, but it just looks beautiful!

"Oh my gosh!" I screech, "Thomas, please!" I beg and point like a little child.

"Alright, alright," he tells me, "let's take the group." As soon as he turns, I make a "bruh" face.

"Food, guys?" He points and tells everyone. All their faces light up. I guess one thing we all have in common is a like of food, but we're also all teenagers.

I run and struggle to pull Thomas along up to the beautifully lovely buffet. I grab a plate and a napkin, and look for some of my favorite foods. One of them: macaroni and cheese. They had that. Delicious!

I take a scoop of the macaroni, which had some bread crumbs drizzled on top of it. I also grabbed some carrots and celery. I always love that on the side with my macaroni and cheese. Then I got some water for a drink. I decided not to get soda, because if I were to spill it, like the clumsy person I am, it wouldn't get sticky on my dress.

I sit at a table with all the other girls. Which people who include Aria, Radrika, Raegan, and Haylee. Of course, I sit by Radrika, with Aria next to Radrika, and Haylee on my other side. The guys say at another table.

"So Haylee," Raegan starts, "How's Edward?" She asks and gives me a nasty look.

"I like him." Haylee responds.

"I like him!" I face Radrika, and imitate Haylee in a annoying high-pitched voice beneath my breath. Radrika silently laughs.

"And I think we will really go somewhere." Haylee continues.

"Really? Is that true?" Raegan tries to keep the conversation going and gives me more nasty looks.


After I heard Haylee start to talk about her and Edward kids in the future, I decided to leave and dance to the music. I signal Radrika and Aria to follow.

The song No Control by One Direction was playing. I faced Aria and start lip syncing to her. And I turn to Radrika and do the same.

Sooner or later, Daniel came over.

"How you doing?" He asks me. I don't answer, and slow down with the shaking hips.

"You don't talk anymore?" He says. God, he's so annoying, "That's ok, we all get our tongues cut out some times in our lives." He walk away like he didn't even stop to talk to me.

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